
Tried watching it just to understand the game mechanics but they seemed random and completely secondary to the ginned up drama and the NBC-Olympics style biographical vignettes designed to make us not just root for the contestants but really feel for them.

Thanks for the recommendation!

Just seems odd, though, that for someone as proactive as Leia that she wouldn't help in her own escape by firing back at the soldiers that are firing at her.

A New Hope was playing yesterday and I was struck, after just having seen Rogue One for the first time, by just how much of the movie Leia spends reacting as opposed to being an active agent.

Dr. Poison could have been played by a man and very little if anything in the movie would have changed.

"…Zack's review is as good a place as any because he was honest about his prejudices and changed his mind, like a great critic does."

Small correction: Peter went into FJ with $17,200, not $17,600, otherwise the statement "[Peter] put second place in play as he could possibly have fallen behind Matt" doesn't make sense.

"…since I was 12 years old there was a book I read, which is ‘Dune,’ which is my favorite book, with ‘1984.’ After ‘Prisoners,’ the producer of Alcon asked me what I would like to do next. I said, ‘Dune,’ spontaneously, that if anyone could get me the rights for ‘Dune’ — and I knew it was very difficult to get those

Along those same lines, an individual movie-goer only has to pay the price of one ticket to see a movie that cost millions to produce both in terms of dollars and human work hours.

"Of course! You're the girl who sent me that lovely glass."

I was surprised he was able to refrain from mentioning that the
Moscow Art Theatre, where he spent every single night for three months seeing theatre in a language he speaks only sort of well, was founded by Konstantin Stanislavski, but then he probably assumed we all knew that already, unlike, say, the difference

Despite the less-than-inspiring performances all around I give full marks to Peter for going all-in not once but twice, even after missing the first DD, and then after whiffing those first two making a solid wager on the third.

Once while on painkillers and full of cheese I let slip that I thought Idi Amin wasn't such a bad guy, so it's possible.

With the irony being the HHM applause was really a slap in Chuck's face while Jimmy's getting the multiple and achy cold shoulders was actually a redemption for him.

Roasted with his own petard.

The genius of this show is not only making us care for these characters, but making us care for characters who do villainous and harmful things, yet through careful storytelling put us in their head space so we can't simply dismiss them or their actions.

Jay Sekulow?

The opposite of love isn't hate but indifference, and Chuck was never indifferent about Jimmy.

Pajama bottoms.

Especially if she specifically starts abusing painkillers in an effort to keep working.