To echo the guilt theme, we also know that his symptoms first manifested after his divorce from a woman he adored.
To echo the guilt theme, we also know that his symptoms first manifested after his divorce from a woman he adored.
"Nonetheless, I try to do my part, asking them which ’80s film they would most like to live inside. (“Some Kind Of Wonderful,” Wood replies, without batting an eye. Later, she shows me this was no flip answer: She has a tattoo of the signature of Watts, Mary Stuart Masterson’s drummer character from the film,…
Have actually seen the first two seasons of Twin Peaks but it was so long ago that although I recognize all the previous characters who show up in the current season, don't remember a lot of specifics.
The last time I was in Atlanta I walked past the Margaret Mitchell House and the Brown House sounds far preferable for a visit.
Only skimmed the interview so I'll defer to your closer reading.
Your review of the Cosby Show ep. from the perspective of an only child had me wondering what fraction of families were one-child, and in the U.S. that fraction is about one-fifth or 20%, a doubling from forty years ago.
Very true; Lane can be opinionated and frustrating, but he's always interesting and never predictable or boring.
Last time I visited a major city on my own for pleasure was Baltimore, and spent the evening with a homeless chaperone where I got a tour of the harbor and even some complimentary hot chocolate.
Very disappointed more contestants didn't get FJ since it seemed to me one of the better constructed ones.
I recall that the second season may have been somewhat meandering, but it's also the longest at 22 episodes and had the lowest fraction (4/22) that were actually directed by Lynch.
"Remember when I gave you tacit permission to go after my twin sister? Well, turns out I've still got feelings for her after all."
Awards shows in general (aside from the Tonys) seem to be sweaty, desperate affairs, but none more so and more literally than the AVN Awards.
"Do as we say, not as we do."
Lane no doubt can turn a phrase but he always seems to have an axe to grind in his reviews and seems more concerned with getting that message across than appreciating (or depreciating) the movie itself on its own merits.
Always knew Gingrich was a despicable, deplorable, hypocritical, amoral opportunist and piece of shit, but he reached a new low with his comments immediately following the Congressional baseball shooting.
His assholishness really leaked out in a big way with Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, linking evolution with eugenics and the Holocaust.
Can appreciate the frustration withhaving Cooper stuck in reboot mode, but for me something about the way Lynch composes his shots and holds on actors longer than seems necessary or even appropriate makes it watchable even when, on the script, the scene itself seems unremarkable or goofy.
From what I remember and what others have said, Fire Walk with Me is probably the best and only prelude you really need for the new season of Twin Peaks, but the first two seasons are nonetheless well worth checking out.
Seems obvious to me he's pulling a fast one.
The raw substance of you in terms of atoms is fully interchangeable with any other atom of the same kind.