
We’ll have to wait till next week to find out who these people are…

From 1948 to 1973 wages in the U.S. showed a steady increase, similar to that in worker productivity, which economists will tell you is what drives wage growth.

Anyone who trots out the Laffer curve to make an argument is a voodoo economist at best since it makes assumptions that have not been shown to be valid in reality and is also a simplistic-to-the-point-of-uselessness description of the relationship between taxation and revenue, especially in the idea that it has only

The "& his domain" part of the clue was probably the Jeopardy! writers attempt to give a hint to the god, since of the big three only Hades lends his name to his domain itself, but I agree the wording just makes things more confusing.

Aside from not dying, that has to be one of the best perks of immortality, assuming you have the patience to make it pay off.

All this talk of pregnancy and litters had me wondering if Rosalee in her woged form had more than the standard human number of teats.

@disqus_dYyhQI6E2Y:disqus mentioned the wesen who woged between male and female, and in that case he/she kept the same clothes in both forms.

If you're an immortal being, compound interest is your friend.

Maybe he meant your right to use your religious or "moral" beliefs to discriminate against LGBQT, women, and minorities.

The full-body woge was something we haven't seen often, if at all, since it would presumably require the wesen to be nude.

The potential victim woging into a hippo wesen and then biting the head off of Stillman was confusing since hippos are vegetarians, or rather herbivores, so her spitting the head out afterwards was a relief.

And he needs to have his shirt off for it, because of course he does.

Diana the blacklight seems like the perfect person to take to a rave aside from the fact she's underaged and can kill people with her mind.


On the bright side, if Josh or another abandoning male does becomes her white whale, we may get Rebecca quoting Moby Dick a la Khan.

Bought the drive this past Christmas and it is impressively small, fast, and inexpensive.

Quislings who collaborate to try to minimize the loss of life that a full-on rebellion might otherwise incur I can sort of sympathize with, but those who do it for the power and their own gain I have nothing but contempt for.

"Grey Anatomy"

Any time Jeopardy! has on three female contestants I always clench up waiting for Trebek to drop his chauvinistic shoe, and he didn't disappoint, remarking at the very top of the game, "Good day for me, I get to spend a half hour in the company of three very bright… women," getting his creep on early.

Trebek, when he's able to overlook just how young and ladylike Lisa is, sometimes refers to her as the microbiologist but has yet to ask her about it, which is a shame as most young scientists now tend toward molecular biology or biochemistry, though all three fields use interchangeable techniques.