
First place was there for the taking for Lisa on the last two clues but they were stand-and-stares…

Doug's story about his first date with Stephanie and how he purposely lost at Trivial Pursuit as rapidly as possible after she said, according to him, "Let's hurry up so we can make out," made a lot more sense after looking her up to recall who she was.

Early in season one when Will was offered his job at Homeland Security, one of the perks was homeschooling for his kids, which apparently they took for the youngest child, though subsequently Lindsay seemed to be more nanny than tutor and initially kept her alien proselytizing hidden.

More like a pulpy, bloody stain on the wall.

Tried to follow this show when it premiered last year but dropped out around ep. 3, though with every intention of catching back up.

That's how you know you still have a sense of decency.

Twice Trebek referred to Christy as "the lady", leading me to wonder if he ever referred to a lone male contestant as the "the gentleman", but then I remembered no matter what the current year, Trebek's chauvinistic paternalism remains rooted in the 60s.

It's not science at all, but the belief "by the members of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science and Security Board, who are in turn advised by the Governing Board and the Board of Sponsors, including 18 Nobel Laureates…[how] vulnerable [they] believe the world is to global disaster."

The Americans wig-gag reference made me guffaw and appreciate this show's good taste at the same time.

It's not "right" in any sense of the word.

Cancelled after the GOP deposits your sizable donation.

Somehow came up with the correct response for FJ and only later realized it was probably from having seen the motto on their license plates.

Got here early enough to see the first two comments go up, which appeared to be @Velocirapstar:disqus's Politics Corner and @AforAusgewahlt:disqus's Reviewing Historical Schedules, and then waited half an hour or so for @avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus's J! recaps before deciding they must be delayed

Even with the realization that it's all about the eyeballs, it's still baffling to me that this show is reviewed without fail yet Black-ish, which is arguably funnier and more relevant, especially the episode that aired tonight, is not.

Proper betting strategy alone on DDs would substantially raise scores and winning totals, something Trebek seems to encourage whenever he repeats a contestant's small wager and then adds "only".

It must be nice to be Alex Trebek and poo-poo $5K, more than month's wages for over 70% of U.S. households and almost half a year's rent for many.

One of the few shows where the talking heads actually know what the hell they're talking about.

Gavin looked as if he hadn't even hit his 30s yet and that Gone Girl answer was a painful reminder of that.

The second part of "Vaclavske Namesti" had me hung up on India, which is obviously in the wrong part of the world, and didn't notice the "Vaclav"/"Vaclavske" connection, thinking also that the name of the square sounded Polish plus the fact that the overwhelming majority of Poles are Roman Catholic.

I actually did see this movie at the behest of a friend and it truly is weird in a very Seussian way.