Highly recommend her self-narrated audiobooks, combining her abilities to write and perform to the benefit of both.
Highly recommend her self-narrated audiobooks, combining her abilities to write and perform to the benefit of both.
If I remember correctly, the Ali/Superman contest was possible because Supes exposed himself to the radiation of a red star to take away his super powers, but considering he's still 6'4'' and 220 plus, it's not like he still wasn't an impressive physical specimen.
For all the real pain and harm his rhetoric has caused, a stroke is far too good for him.
At $45 for two pounds the Garden of Life Raw Organic Fit protein powder is easily two to three times more expensive than other protein powders, so the "buy two, get 30% off" deal is not a very good one, and considering they probably go through the same HPLC protein extraction process to obtain their product, one…
Mike's $3K FJ wager was a surprise as it offered him no tactical advantage and didn't even maximize his potential earnings.
Not to mention his nonsensical FJ wagering strategy of betting, when in the lead, of whatever the second-place person has plus a dollar more, or, if in second, just betting it all.
Judging by how he wagers DD's, it wouldn't be a stretch to say he seems to misunderstand wagering in general.
If you follow the "What's on Tonight" @avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus regularly recaps each day's game there and on the Jeopardy reddit, where another poster uploads each day's game to Google drive.
If we can be taxed on our winnings then we should be able to write off our losses.
I'm trying to understand the FJ wagers of the two losing contestants and they make no logical sense.
I wouldn't be surprised if all the Nobels were like that, really.
That part got to me as well, but I'll go ahead and chalk it up to it being an unusually clam day with minimal crosswinds and her preternatural ability to not only gauge distance and aim almost unerringly using mere pistol sights but calculate the precise drop of the bullet for the upward angle and distance of her…
The "astronomical" was the Halley tip-off, as Newton wasn't so much an astronomer as a physicist who used astronomical observations to confirm his theories.
Wouldn't even require a really good player, just one that knows how to wager in FJ.
Another way one could have gotten that clue was by remembering that the USS Arizona, which was sunk at Pearl Harbor, was actually commissioned in 1916 and named in honor of the 48th state.
If only Alison had come up with her DD then her FJ double-up would have knocked off Tim and given us a champion who didn't embarrass themselves on that FJ.
I assume the hosts in storage have been depleted of whatever their equivalent of ATP is, thereby causing them to suffer the host equivalent of rigor mortis.
A shame that the Z Nation marathon over Thanksgiving didn't bring in more viewers, at least going by the continued single-digit commenting in these threads.
For one thing, this show actually feels like it has a long game, unlike TWD, whose gameplan seems to be Rick et al. meet a new group, try to survive, and in the process lose various cast members that are not Rick, Korl, Michonne, or Carol, and then rinse and repeat for every new season.
If a "bad day" on Jeopardy! constitutes winning the game despite a FJ TS and having both your opponents within two-thirds your score going into that FJ, I'll happily take it every time.