
Thanks to the Syfy Z Nation marathon I was able to get mostly caught up on the large chunks of season 2 and 3 I'd missed, and one of the most disturbing and amusing things was seeing that the fairy-tale spin Doc put on the meeting of Murphy and Lucy's mom and the subsequent birth of Lucy actually wasn't that far off

Got a Christmas card from him (have no idea why as I've never met him nor contributed to his campaign in any way) with a family photo and remember being impressed at how normal his children looked considering the goofy-looking tree from which they fell.

I always look forward to the wide shots just to see everyone's real height in relation to everyone else, although the camera angles they use often make the foreground contestant appear gigantic compared to the others

This issue came up in one of the previous Teen Tournament games, but when Sharath answered one of the clues in the "PING" category forgetting to incorporate the letters in quotes into his response, Trebek was awful quick to rule him incorrect, cutting off whatever remaining time he had left to correct himself.

Probably because Alia "Skawkat" is Shawkat's sister from a corvid mother.

English Romanization of Korean is one of the worst transliterations of one language to another, some of which could be easily ameliorated by simply marking the syllable groupings: "ga-ya-geum".

Professed billionaire.

Closed captioning hilariously identified the music as the second movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

That one surprised me, but I chalk up his lack of helpful prompting to the fact that all the clue responses had to contain a word from the category title, and whenever someone forgets that, he never reminds them until after they've answered and been ruled incorrect.

While this was certainly the smart play, the audience didn't seem to think so when they let out a groan at the reveal of her too-small-to-win-the-game wager.

A potential problem with that clue is that it doesn't specify the curvature of the space.

As long as everyone carried their own towel with them, wouldn't bother me one bit.

14-year-olds from just a generation ago would blanch at what our current 14-year-olds are exposed to, what with the internet, social media, and the campaign highlights of the president-elect.

Scientists have predicted that by that point in humanity's future we would all be a creamy shade of ocher due to easy migration and the interbreeding of all the ethnic groups into one big happy family, but then those scientists didn't account for 2016.

…as pick-axe to the chest/ later found in the dumpster guy helpfully demonstrates.

One of the correct responses was "pebble" as in "Pebble Beach" so it had less to do with types of rocks than having to with rocks in general.

Susan Backlinie wasn't just a great screamer but a great actor by conveying not only terror but awful pain and the sure knowledge of her own death with her blood-chilling screams.

And unless there's more pollution than I'm aware of, the snow's probably pretty safe to eat.

At first he looked like he was wearing lifts or heels the way he towered over everyone else, but IMDb has him listed as 6'7''.

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