The Average Gatsby

I watched this last night and I keep wondering why Bram Stoker's Lady Gaga thought a kid in 2015 would be wowed by giant Game Boy Tetris on the walls.

Sanders plays well with the "haven't had our hearts broken yet by a career politician" crowd.

Old Man Yells Get Off Of His Cloud

This episode kind of felt like when someone brings you some candy from another country and you start chewing on it and it just tastes really wrong, but you don't want to be rude so you finish it. So then since you finished it they leave the whole bag and you'll probably eat a few more even though you know you'll never

I liked it until they started going heavier on the CGI and the kids suddenly decided they could lure the monster into a home alone style trap…still, better than most these days.

Except Five.

Looks like NWA is the real Fantastic Four!

I work in IT and can safely say this isn't a stretch at all. People can't help but want to see what's on the drive.

F1 of you makes anymore puns I swear to god…

I don't know why, but when my siblings and I played with our Star Wars action figures we always pretended Bossk was a raging drunk. He was one of my favorites as well, after a neighbor kid gave me a few Star Wars figures when he decided he was too cool for them and spent all his time working on cars with his burnout

As a native, I am mostly offended by the outdated and offensive term "Adam Sandler Comedy".

Soooo…can jet fuel melt steel girders? Just wondering.

I like to think that the suit covering Affleck's chin was a response to all those memes.

One of the things that bothered me in the prequels was the lightsabers being practically disposable. When I watched the scene in Star Wars where Obi Wan passes down the saber, I always got the impression this was a precious heirloom, not the 10th lightsaber Anakin happened to own. But hey, now that we get to disregard

I've been waiting anxiously for the inevitable Comic Book "Cinematic Universes" backlash…I can't wait to be that cool guy who can smugly act like he saw it coming years ago. Hell, I'm already half way there!

I'd argue Ginger Reyes and Jeff Schroeder were more talented and had personality, but I think most people were turned off by the fact that he recruited a female bass player and an Asian guitarist…as if he thought people in the cheap seats thought they were seeing the old lineup. I've heard people argue that they want

The good news is Tupac Shakur actually did fake his death and move to a tropical island paradise.
The bad news is when he got there someone shot him again.

I like to think of it this way: The Smashing Pumpkins is a guy named Billy Corgan with an ever changing backing band. One time he got tired of that name and went by Zwan, then briefly by his real name, before deciding he wanted to be called The Smashing Pumpkins again.

The Wendy's franchises in my town were shut down for good due to constant health code violations. :(

I got into comics during Liefield's tenure and was too young at the time to really understand how awful his oversexualized, unrealistic, and "straps and pouch" obsessed art really was…how did this guy become some kind of industry superstar?