The Average Gatsby

Luke Skywalker: I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you.
Princess Leia Organa: You're who?
Luke Skywalker: I'm here to rescue you. I've got your R2 unit. I'm here with Ben Kenobi.
Princess Leia Organa: Ben Kenobi? Where is he?

I first heard someone make the "Manny" Bothans joke on a usenet in the 90s, and it was only recently I found out that it actually got used for a comic book in 2006. I now wonder if it was the author posting because it was exactly the same, right down to Bothans being Mon Mothma's lover.

I guess that's what happens when he grows up around a mother who chides other women for not doing enough laundry. :|

"= crying 'misogyny in defense of garbage trailer for cynical 'brownie-point-grab' movie"
No. It doesn't, because I've already established there are legitimate reasons to dislike this movie. I probably wouldn't be seeing it in theatres if my son wasn't interested, which is also why I say I'll reserve judgement.

Speaking of over the top hyperbole, I did not say "shadowy misogynist cabal". Not everyone that dislikes the trailer is a misogynist, we've already established that. However, you seem to be suggesting that the loud, disgusting hate that has surrounded this movie before anyone saw anything other than the announcement

I look at it and cry, does that count?

I don't have high hopes for the movie and didn't particularly care for the trailer. I was into Ghostbusters as a kid the same way kids were star wars and transformers, and I love the film as an adult. I don't think you can recapture that magic, but I would love to be surprised by this movie and I will reserve all

I don't know that we can accurately gauge how it's going to do from things like this, but as a counterpoint, the positive emoticons and likes on facebook massively outnumber the negative. I suspect that the people that are already panning this movie into oblivion as "an abomination" really are just an exceedingly loud

It was for sure the one that made it the "go to" look for post apocalyptic fiction, I mostly just have to make sure to name drop A Boy and His Dog when the opportunity presents itself. :D

I absolutely love the Mad Max movies, but Miller's inspiration for the look was A Boy and His Dog.

I felt like It Follows was just The Ring with sex instead of a video tape, and the 2nd half was laughably bad.

I feel the same way about Gangs of New York losing to fucking Chicago.

Fair enough. Aliens definitely broke new ground instead of just being a retread, I just can't say that these days I think it's a masterpiece or better than the original…although I'm biased because I do think the original is an absolute masterpiece. Aliens is still a fun action film, and I guess more than anything as

I don't think Aliens holds up. Everything looks like a set and a prop, they reduced the aliens to space ants, and refocusing the series on guns and BADASS ACTION was a poor decision. 10 year old me loved the shit out of it though.

The first time I heard this song I said "It sounds like they're saying thunder chief…I know they're not saying thunder chief, but what the hell are they saying?"

Maybe they'll blow me away with an incredible 4th season, but it feels like the show needs to move toward a conclusion soon.

This movie was an Original Creation. Like Rickey Rouse and Monald Muck.

Does anyone actually use the term safe space, or is it just another pejorative?

As you mentioned, "politically correct" has been a disparaging term from the start. However, it seems that it (along with "social justice warrior") is applied so often that it has become the very close minded silencing tactic the "anti-PC" crowd insists they're against. I wonder if it's just that things have the

I generally don't like framing discussions in what "the left" or "the right" wants because it categorizes and divides diverse sets of ideas into boxes that people can rally against, but this is one of the most apologist takes I've seen on what "the right" and especially Donald Trump and his supporters are doing right