The Average Gatsby

Hold me Pairesta, like you did by the lake on Naboo…

Don't go read about the feud and the things they say about each other..I just did and my heart is shattered. :(

There are places where if you're going out with just a coat and hat you will freeze to death. Winter weather also causes roads to shut down, power outages, and a slew of other problems that are more or less unavoidable, so it's more than just learning to drive in the snow…to say nothing of the other drivers you have

You know what they say, it's better to burn out than be Eddie Vedder. Or something like that.

If there is anyone that it's okay to rip off, it would be Led Zeppelin, some of the biggest plagiarists in music ever (don't get me wrong, I still love the hell out of them).

I always thought Vedder sounded like an incoherent goat, whereas Weiland was fantastic and soulful. I dunno.

Not all of us live in places where "a coat and hat" are sufficient. It also doesn't solve the problem of winter road conditions. If I had to choose, I'd say bring on the awful 90s hits!

This is some pretty awful clickbait, fortunately I'm more or less immune to…wait…how to date Natalie Dormer? Wooo!

And he apparently has Venom's face now, complete with giant tongue. I guess it's not entirely a rip off if you helped create the character.

Right, but you're still moving the goal posts to fit your argument.
Of the bands you listed, only two (The Police and Radiohead) were formed in the last 40 years.

But slumbertwo said 40 years…and if you're going back that far you're missing quite a few bands, most notably The Beatles.

If you want something that's properly spooky, check out Dunwich Borers.

Mmmmmm psychojet.

Oh I totally agree. New Order is good, but Joy Division was something really special. I just played in bands and hung out with music geeks long enough that the snark is just something I've come to expect, so I was mostly making fun of that. :)

I really like Piper, although I can't entirely pin down why. Cait is also awesome, but who doesn't love a junkie Irish brawler with an awful past?

I feel like the obligatory snarky elitist comment about Joy Division being better is missing, so I'm going to just do it and get it outta the way for everyone.

(I realize I'm replying to a 14 day old comment haha) New Vegas actually tells you the entire backstory of The Courier in The Lonesome Road DLC.

I finished the main quest 2 days ago and I'm still contemplating my decisions. Like I'm at work and thinking about it right now haha. It's nice that Bethesda grew past the "BoS good, Enclave bad" ending of Fallout 3.

I almost always go independent, although I've done all 4 of the potential choices. I think Ulysses in Lonesome Road is probably a large part of that decision as he rants a lot about the Bull and the Bear not being "flags worth fighting for". You really should try to finish it. Almost every slide in the finale is

Most post-apocalyptic fiction is going for an aesthetic and not realism, and Fallout is outlandish even by post-apocalyptic fiction standards. The landscape still appearing charred and warped doesn't bother me anymore than finding all these usable rolls of duct tape everywhere 200 years after a nuclear holocaust. I'm