The Average Gatsby

Lyrically or musically? I might have agreed about lyrics at one time, but not anymore. Billy is a better guitar player, but I think Trent is a superior composer…Billy especially seems to have trouble putting it all together in recent years. Out of all my old favorites, Trent seems to be the only one who can still

I saw him on the Zeitgeist tour and thought it was fantastic, but I always hear that they're hit or miss so I guess I got lucky. I also saw The Smashing Pumpkins when Billy was calling the band Zwan and it was obvious at that point the band hated each other.

I love Idris, but do we really have to refer to Prometheus as "an Alien movie"?

He had to retire. :(

The thread starts with a dozen suicide by shotgun puns and this is where you post the "Oh boy, here we go"? I'm honored. :P

Yeah but Robin had talent.

I've always been amused by the whole "Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain" thing. Courtney Love never did anything right without Billy Corgan pulling the strings and fixing all her screw ups…just look at the entire Celebrity Skin album. From now on, I think if people are going to insist that's what happened, they should

Man, this pun thread sure triggers a lot of memories.

They haven't "always been a hive minded creature" because they were not originally written as such.
The original alien was an enigma that we never fully understood…much like the brilliant works of the artist who designed the creature, it was a blend of biological creature and alien machine…we didn't know exactly how

I rushed here to post this…curse you!


Sam Simon, or "Grimey", as he liked to be called, taught us that a man can triumph over adversity. :(

"Newt, Hicks and Bishop tearing up Alien nests all over the galaxy" sounds boring to me and I'm glad we avoided that. I don't think the series ever should have been turned into an action adventure franchise, nor do I think that the uniquely alien species that we never ended up fulling understanding should have been

Really? I have a harder time watching Aliens these days. Alien is a masterpiece.

Well sure, they're meant to be the same race…I'm just passing on my cognitive dissonance tricks in regards to stomaching or forgetting film reboots and sequels. ;)

With things like this, I've adopted what I call the "Planet of the Apes mindset". The first movie is a science fiction classic with iconic scenes that are etched into popular culture and will remain for a very, very long time. The sequels? Do most people know what happened in the sequels? No. Most people I know didn't

Somewhat related but not really: how come Skynet keeps sending back fatter, more wrinkly versions of the T-800 model?

I'm totally on board with this if they can get H.R. Giger to come back.

Resurrection is great if you get real drunk and keep telling yourself it's a zany Firefly prototype and not part of the Alien franchise.