The Average Gatsby

Patti Smith turned into Tom Petty so gradually I didn't even notice.

Korova Milk Bar.

That side by side picture really highlights how stupid the new helmet looks.

Somewhat related: When my son was learning to talk, I taught him to repeat what various Star Wars characters say (Chewie and R2 noises, Darth Vader's breathing, etc.). So when people would ask him "What does this character say?" He would tell them and everyone would laugh at the overwhelming cuteness. At some point

One of my all time favorites that my siblings and I still quote to this day. Which is why…man…I can't let this slide. It's Eleanor, not Lois.

The slow dramatic solo piano version of the theme made me laugh really hard.

The JP raptors are already way too big to be Velociraptors and are closer to Deinonychus or Achillobators, plus the snouts are entirely different from all 3. It's all just been one big lie from the start! WAEK UP SHEEPAL!

So edgy!

I have an ex that is so much like that character I'm surprised she hasn't bought me a gun rack yet.

I came all the way to this 6 year old article to say the following:

It feels very out of place…I always skip it.

Jimmy representing the other 5%.

Whew, and here I was really worried that after Robin Williams we might not be able to fall back into labeling depression as laziness or faking…

What's a Nubian?

I've got "everything was beautiful and nothing hurt" tattooed on my forearm. But I'm kind of pretentious.

It's my favorite of his, but I always wondered how your could make it work without ruining some of the major reveals…

I stopped reading his work for a long time for the same reasons, but I picked up Rant one morning while the wife was getting her gall bladder out and really enjoyed it (the book, not the surgery). At this point I can only really recommend Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Choke, Rant, and maaaaybe Survivor.

For some reason I found the kid literally puking and shitting his guts out stuck with me…just…ew…

If it makes you feel any better, it wasn't just you. I totally thought dude was going to molest Yucky.

Well, to clarify, I'm not speaking on their merit as musicians or people (or defending the way Billy acts like a spoiled child), just the amount that they contributed and who the creative control belonged to.