The Average Gatsby

I suppose you could, but in my opinion it's a weak argument. I never got the impression James and D'arcy were much more than collaborators and I think the only member you could make a case for contributing something special is Jimmy. I understand if the band without James and D'arcy doesn't feel right for people who

I would venture to say that The Smashing Pumpkins is Billy Corgan, in the same way that Trent Reznor is Nine Inch Nails. He wrote nearly all the songs, recorded most of the instruments himself, and had D'arcy and James play them live. The only one of the "original four" who brought anything to the table that Billy

The Smashing Pumpkins have always been a one-man band just like Nine Inch Nails and they should have sold it like that from the get go.

The only Zeppelin lyrics that aren't super embarrassingly cheesy are the ones they blatantly plagiarized.

I saw this recently and thought the same thing. Rob had a sore throat and had trouble singing (he kept apologizing about it) and they were still a thousand times better than Korn.

The A.V. Club
awkward white girl of privilege

"I read the first sentence and realized you are a brainwashed turd. I will remember your name so I never read any trash you write again. Probably another mad homo" -BigDawg72

Damnit. didn't see this one before I posted mine. Now I'm going to get sued!

The mural of the story is you can't get away with stealing other people's work.

I recall that was everyone's "Oh fuck this better not be the ending" ending after seeing the 2nd one.

This is exactly how I'm feeling right now.

I seem to get Leonard. :|

People always assume I like Transformers because I'm a car that turns into a robot, but I've just never been a fan…

I always feel a little douchey saying "As a Native American…" But, As a Native, having Redbone as the opening song for one of the biggest movies of the summer felt good. Thanks Marvel. :D

I love Adore, but I too wonder what the hell happened to Billy Corgan…looking back though he was always insufferable and pretentious.

It'll probably be a pretty big torrent too.

I love that song and video. :(

That's good!

Thunderheart! As we're not often represented favorably in film, I know so many Natives that love him in Thunderheart.

Senor Tudyko?