
But most importantly, how the feck does Meek get before this judge?

Who’s handling the crowdfunding campaign to get some of those uniforms sent to White House staff?

So much this.

A coupla entirely genuine questions:

Befehl ist Befehl

Now playing

Thanks for the’s like he’s frozen midway through a truly unsettling inhuman laugh...

What in the shitting horror is that?

Some truly beautiful/harrowing pieces, thanks much for the article.

I know i shouldn’t really comment before reading the full transcript (can’t watch him, tried, failed).

Oh fecking bravo!

Wrapping patronising condescension in a straw man is a juvenile excuse for a response.

I don’t get it...what’s the aim?

I very much did not miss the point, and wrapping patronising condescension in a straw man is a juvenile excuse for a response.

Read some of his journal entries, he (Columbus) wasn’t a racist he was a horror in human skin.


Got it now, cheers for the help in processing.

The political machinations and back room horrors are ever more expected, abysmally.

I can see several unpleasant/unfortunate explanations for it, most basically boiling down to the fact that U.S. (much like U.K.) democracy is often effectively nominal at best, it’s how they’re selling it that has me curious.

Is there anything close to a succinct and easily parsed justification for/explanation of the secrecy and haste? I’ve had a look but the meaningless waffle, bluster, alt facts, and general distortions are difficult to wade through.

Not gonna bother unless they come for your mate though?