
Dear (any celebrity that I have ever enjoyed),

To quote Margo from the Magicians:

An affront to pussies, asses, and bitches everywhere.

I just want to throw out there that some of your son’s behaviors are reminiscent of those of kids on the autism spectrum. If you haven’t had him evaluated it might be useful to do so, not because there’s anything wrong with him, but to make sure he gets whatever supports are available to work the metaphorical muscles

maybe you should start driving everywhere. or perhaps cash in on lightskint privilege and get you a gulfstream.

Whoa, whoa, slow down. Not a big fan of outing people. Has she actually come out as a POC? If not, lets not go throwing that term around.

She’s setting up her post-Trump career. Served him (check) but spoke out when he went too far (check).

Totally agree. The only way you get to dissociate yourself from Trump is to have declined his invite to join his team. Once you get that Trump stink on your hands, you're tainted for life.

isn’t amazing how subjective music can be? 

Let me get this straight: security thought they stole a t-shirt then hung around to spend money on alcohol? After being searched?

I’m just not sure what the hell the security guards here were trying to accomplish. I mean, other than just being racist as fuck. That much is obvious.

Retraining?  Nope.  Fire everyone from the head down.  Then hire new people who aren’t racist and train them. 

It's an example of how we white people are experts at not looking at the non-white world. We're raised to just not even know if exists.

Let’s assume that this was actually a problem for her, and that she didn’t figure out a way to finesse $100 from every Becky, Becki, Rebeckah and Bex on Earth that discredited an entire culture. Let’s say this was genuinely a problem and solution she came up with completely independently...

Guys. I’ve just decided to sell the most amazing invention. It’s called “Aluminum Wrap.” It’s going to cost $75 per roll, because it’s made strictly from recycled aluminum cans, and while it’s flexible, it’s also a little stiff - so you could wrap food in it.

Don’t worry, Miles Morales Jermaine, your secret is safe with me.

And all of this after EIGHT YEARS of dissing Obama, calling out every single one of his failures, his embarrassments, his decisions as slights against the country.

Hey, if anyone doesn’t like the fact that four American women of various ethnicities and religions can get elected to the U.S. House of Representatives; and subsequently pursue the best interests of their country and constituents in accordance with the U.S. Constitution..... then they can go back to whatever country

See, all these idiots thought they transcended the color of their skin.
