Rick is always right. Even when he's wrong.
Rick is always right. Even when he's wrong.
No, they are really annoying and obviously dangerous. The show has done everything in it's power to make them unsympathetic, perhaps to it's detriment. If they had any scenes where their characters or personal qualities (outside of fear and angst) were emphasized to make them anything more than cardboard cutouts, it…
We'll have to disagree on Carol.
No, she doesn't "need" to kill. Killing the Wolf rather than allowing Morgan, with his weird pacifist philosophy, a man who she admittedly does not trust, to release him and potentially cause further harm does not signify bloodlust. Though their encounter eventually resulted in his escape, her motives were not…
Disagree with several things here. For one, several people have dubbed Carol a "psychopath" which I think is one of the most overused and inaccurate terms used in character description regarding this show. She is a rabid but calculating survivor who became such through extreme experiences and preserves herself and the…
Stop… making… sense…
I don't recall anyone using a basic back suplex as a finisher post-1980's. The initial pick-up was good but ended up fairly sloppy-looking as Morgan didn't even take the follow through bump. Perhaps it'd have been more believable had he transitioned into either a big leg drop or better yet, a sharpshooter.
That's true. Plus presumably, Aaron knew about this tunnel for much longer, so the fact that everyone doesn't already know about it as a last resort is kind of his fault, as well as Deanna's. And if she didn't know about it, even more blame should go to her as she ran the freaking town.
That's far too strong of a statement and an inaccurate one. She's a survivor who only became so under extreme circumstances and as a result, resorts to extreme actions to prevent them from repeating. She is definitely quick to violence, but she's practical rather than bloodthirsty and the show, as clumsy as it is, has…
The standoff with the Wolf was indeed stupid. They could have gotten a clear shot off and Denise is a redshirt anyway. The show is saying "but that's what makes them better than him!" However, no one watching cares. Plus, her kissing Tara unsolicited was creepy and awkward. I don't believe he'll kill her, but either…
Though this would never happen, if the show were truly daring/true to human nature and the character of the captive Wolf, he would have immediately killed the anxiety-prone doctor, Rosita, Tara, Eugene, perhaps as well as unconscious Carol and Morgan before fleeing. It would have been an enormous purge of the cast and…
- There actually was a sewer tunnel escape route used by Aaron and Maggie last week. However, everyone was separated and didn't know/couldn't coordinate such an escape with the walls being breached. Not trying to defend the show's incompetence but this actually makes sense.
If you have a day to binge watch and have followed it this long, you might as well. But do it with low and predictable expectations.
I wouldn't phrase it that way. Carol is the one person he's met who has spoken to him honesty about what's happening. It's not her fault his father was drunk and abusive (I'm still curious as to how someone could drink habitually and not run through the post-apocalypse alcohol supply eventually) or that his mother is…
Fuck Ron… and Carl… and Enid….
Hopefully his brother and most of the Alexandrians.
You're worried about the haircut? He's like like 15 and he's still wearing the sheriff's hat!
It's an easy payday. It would only make sense to leave if he's offered a lead role with a big budget. Same with Andrew Lincoln. This is something you need to ride out and squeeze as much out of as you can. I wouldn't worry about that happening anytime soon.
- The Glenn angle was sniffed out three weeks ago despite being ludicrous. I thought for a second that that was the plan and that it was all a big con. They'd have him escape and then die somehow anyway, perhaps by Nicholas' zombie corpse or running into a rival group. It would enrage some fans but would also prove…
Glenn is also impervious to White Walkers.