
I couldn't have been happier with the bizarre energy and overall quality of the first two episodes of the new series. It evoked the ambiance of the better parts of the original series. By the end of the fourth installment, though, the mood completely shifted from the ominous, bizarre, dreamlike classic Lynch-style to

Well, yes. I'm not defending the writing, just trying to examine what little logic exists.

The logic is similar to that of any empire— conquer foreign lands/tribes, kill, pillage and burn so they know you aren't fucking around, then recruit the survivors through fear to work for you while not spreading your primary forces too thin and repeat the process.

I've felt for several years that the greatest plot line possible in TWD universe would be to have Team Rick encounter an eccentric, lunatic billionaire with a private army, fortified compound, tons of weapons, drugs, sex slaves, etc. Somewhat similar to the Key & Peele skit about the "Apocalyptic Hunt". If we could

Yes, Cena was successful for a reason. You can't blame the talent for poor booking. When it's Cena Vs. Orton Round 73, or you've been shoved down everyone's throats for so long, you can only do so much as a performer.

When WCW and ECW folded, about 2/3rds of the pro wrestling audience tuned out for the next decade-plus and that decision appears to have been validated judging from where things are now..

It's nice to see ROH when you can stay awake until 1AM ET once a week. Lucha Underground is fun cause it doesn't take itself too seriously and offers a creative alternative. But when Wrestlemania is being double-headlined by a non-wrestler who is the owner's son vs. a semi-retired late-50's guy, and the owner's

Morgan: Rick! You need to listen! We cant keep killin folk! Or zombies! In fact, we should just trip the zombies… with sticks!

Of course not. "Hey! We have these enemies fully exposed who both previously and just recently threatened to kill us/destroy our settlement. Let's just let them go." Apparently after slaughtering these enemies in their sleep in a pre-emptive strike, everyone is suddenly becoming a Morgan-like pacifist, including

You're never going to have a perfectly proportionate level of gender, minority, sexual orientation, religion, disability, etc. unless you're into watching commercials for major corporations. I'm more concerned with the schizophrenic character turns and nonsensical plot twists than the ratio of heterosexual white males

Relax. You still have Tara, Aaron and his NPC boyfriend to fall back on. I'm a bit thrown off by this anti-straight male sentiment here. I think it's a bit racist.

No way to know exactly what piece he got. I think he just aimed for the general area and hoped for the best. It's also possible that he instead got one or both of his balls, rather than his dick. My problem with it is that if someone's trying to bite off your privates, you're going to be doing everything in your power

I thought the same thing regarding the woman taking inventory. I thought she was killed during the Wolves' raid but apparently the Alexandria NPC's all blend in to the extent that it's hard to tell them apart. For a split second, I said, "wait, zombie Denise came back to check the pantry!?" It was the biggest legit

- Carol's character turn was extremely weird and sudden. She'd experienced many traumatic and life-threatening situations before and since she became a ninja, then after her run-in with D-Girl, she reverts to Catholicism and goes AWOL? It's like a crash TV double-heel turn in pro wrestling. It makes an immediate

The writers are clearly aware of this, setting up the polarity of needing to kill against wanting to kill. The character development of Morgan, the reluctance of Glenn and the black Alexandrian with the dreads (name?) killing sleeping rivals even though they're clearly dangerous and eventually revealed to be without

Ironically, I just viewed "Hell on Wheels" this week and felt an indescribable angst that the lite beer version of Deadwood has outlasted the original in longevity.

Are you implying his awesome "Virginia is for <3ers" t-shirt isn't enough to get any woman's juices flowing?

The Greeks call it "labyrinth".

Keen observation. On that note, I'm pretty sure several of the zombies killed in the woods were real, actual zombies. I have to say I'm a bit offended by this shameless exploitation.

I agree, as most sane people would who don't directly work for the show, that it's a disservice to the audience that certain TV shows have gotten to the point of popularity that they're able to have a "mid-season break" and get away with stalling plot-lines, then airing shows months apart. It's basically saying "fuck