
- The Glenn angle was sniffed out three weeks ago despite being ludicrous. I thought for a second that that was the plan and that it was all a big con. They'd have him escape and then die somehow anyway, perhaps by Nicholas' zombie corpse or running into a rival group. It would enrage some fans but would also prove

Not to mention the fucking mack truck conveniently hidden behind some brush when a main character was left weaponless and stranded.

That's a major problem with having such a large cast. You introduce and develop characters that are likable, then kill them, rinse and repeat, like a morbid human washing machine. With T-Dog, he had a heroic death but no substance as a character and was replaced by Tyrese, who had a strong character, but died

The rules apparently change according to plot convenience and whoever happens to be writing. Sort of like pro wrestling. Now you can get scratched and be fine. Soon you'll be able to be bitten and be fine. By season 17 you'll have to get arse-raped by a walker in order to get infected.

Point is, Daryl went through a lot to demonstrate his goodwill after initially being ambushed. If he wanted to screw these people over, he could have easily done so. There was no need to go for the long con.

It's Paddy's IRISH Pub.

I've said this before in a different thread — Daryl returned their insulin, returned the guy's gun, helped dig the girl's grave, which above all was a demonstration of good nature since it expends precious energy and time. At this point, it's amply demonstrated that he's not going to kill/rape/eat them. He had many

Agreed. They're resting on their laurels and stringing people along, whether Glenn lives or dies. It's forward thinking, in the sense that it stretches the storyline and buys space and time but lazy in that it takes advantage of the audience's patience.

Nobody wants to see men in flip flops, except m/m fetishists. Unless you're a top and keep your flip flop wearing man bound and restrained. I find them very uncomfortable to wear personally though.

Excellent point about fresh blood. Michonne survived alone for so long with her pet walkers. Carol a few seasons ago and the main group in season 1 learned the covered-in-walker-guts trick. You'd think Team Rick/The Alexandrian's would have a wardrobe closet full of walker-gut-clad ponchos at the ready when they need

He's off on a scavenging hunt with Tyrese. They'll be back shortly.

If Daryl were a bad guy, he could have done that when he initially got the upper hand and took the man's gun. He'd have killed the guy and shown his true colors before being interrupted by the unknown paramilitary group. OR he could have killed him and done as he wished after they escaped and before he decided to

I don't believe this to be the case at all and I think many people are way too anxious to believe that the show is attempting to couple Sasha and Abraham romantically. This also happened with Rick and Michonne at one point, according to some viewers interpretations. I don't find it logical at all and see it more as a

Honestly, there's not enough characters with special weapons. Merle had his spikey hand, which reminded me of the shop class teacher on Pete & Pete (though that was a metal claw). But it'd be awesome if Abraham got bit by a walker next episode and replaced his entire arm with his sweet new rocket launcher.

He's going to have to increase his stealth rating by crouching more often.

He's Rick. So basically one of his superpowers is that he can run away from walkers and not fall victim to a fatal sprained ankle or banana peel slip.

-We can't have Carol in every episode telling everyone how stupid they are or it would become redundant.
-Deanna's son sucks but he's better than his "sweet ass biscuits" brother.
- Tara/Denise was more telegraphed than Maggie's pregnancy and does even less for me than Ron/Carl's feud.

Grow up, buddy.

Same here. I don't know what that means or whose blood it was supposed to be. Hopefully Ron fell off the wall and was eaten alive.

The intention of the show is to view it as an alternate universe. In TWD, there is no word for "zombie" so regional dialects develop their own interpretations to describe the phenomenon.