
Capitalists would literally rather die. Which is to be expected. What baffles me is how many internet commenters “identify” as capitalists despite having no access to capital and would rather everyone on Earth die than one person on Earth not be owned by a billionaire.

Capitalism is a disease so I’ll take Marx & Engels over Bezos & Trump any day.

look at all these triggered grays lmao. i dunno about marx and engels, but making these halfwits angry about things they’ll never actually research? that is a social revolution I’ll take part in

More shoutouts to Marx and Engels are always a welcome thing in this day and age.

Putting effort into working to not mistreat innocent people is a waste of your time? It’s too much work to learn how to not be offensive, so you just can’t be bothered to try?

I think it’s exhausting and a waste of time and resources to keep trying to stay up to date with which words are currently acceptable, and which words are no longer allowed to be used because somebody has started taking offense to them.

I don’t think there’s any question some of his most searing jokes freely, and sometimes shamelessly, used coarse and biting language to get his point across. I don’t mean to diminish the effect it has, or the perception that it’s ‘ass-holeish’ at times, but I’m in the camp where comedy thrives at its best, is when

But for words like “retarded” they only became unkind, insensitive, hurtful because they were accurate. “Retard” became an insult because it was used as an insult to suggest somebody was mentally handicapped who wasn’t. So the mentally handicapped started taking offense. And it’s only a matter of time, (assuming it

Update: repeat-checking behavior of first time parents has been restored. Parents that have previously raised a toddler to teenager will leave subsequent toddlers in the care of the dog to try and woohoo but probably just wind up napping on the couch.

I think you missed the subtle jab at the powers that be (white corporate America) “Smug, greedy, well-fed, white people...”

The game is now less realistic.

Thank you. I also didn’t appreciate the Hillary supporters trying to speak for my own vagina and my own skin color and my own immigration status and my own job opportunities and all the rest. It was ironic how their campaign was every bit as presumptuous about putting a microphone up my vagina as the Trump campaign

I’m pretty tired of this. Hillary lost because of her own damn fault. She lost to a repugnant, bigoted, sexist loudmouth who has trouble making even a little sense. She lost despite having two presidents campaigning for her, despite the help of one of the best first ladies in recent history, despite the dnc and half

The gap between Trump and Clinton in Wisconsin is just under 27,000 votes. Nearly 31,000 people in Wisconsin voted for Jill Stein.

So Susan Sarandon is responsible for almost 60M people voting for trump??? I think when the autopsies are done there will be a huge variety of factors identified to explain why so many people were duped and couldn’t fully articulate their rage at the inequality of the world. Everyone is looking the wrong way, they

I’m really sick of that third party privilege vote line that white liberals love to throw around. It amounts to erasure of disenfranchised voters who are less than enthusiastic about Clinton’s polite dog whistle racism. I am a BLACK FEMALE IMMIGRANT and I did not support Hillary because of how she suppressed wages in

Susan is an American hero.

Maybe Hillary should have done a better job reaching out to the progressive left instead of undermining their platform at every chance? Hillary lost. She lost many states and demos that Obama won twice. She sucks and this is all her retro 90s campaign.

Hillary Clinton lost the election not Susan Sarandon.