
Can't he opt for some fine bluetooth ear buds? Sure they're expensive but stacksocial had a pair for under $30 the other day. I think they're still available.

People, I checked him out myself; it was like looking in a mirror. - Brady Hoke

I don't get the hate; just because all the other NL teams are simply...less.

I hate video games. #notallmen

How 'bout this, "When I was a kid I had to make up my mind if I were going to listen to Aerosmith or music. Of course I chose Aerosmith because I was a kid."

Exactly my thought. I can hear the guys in the smoke filled room saying, "But if we include women, they will be all shrill and 'rape is inexcusable' and you know you can't have a real dialogue if there isn't two sides to the argument. Besides, not all rape is legitimate rape, everybody knows that."

The discussion will feature the opinions of up to 11 men and zero women...

Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?

Tell me again how one can get some of GOVERNOR BROWNBACK'S OLD DILDOS AND SEX TOYS?

Too bad there wasn't an SEC football game in the area at the same time. A gaggle of drunk sorority girls could have dusted these fools in about twenty seconds.

Wonder what the revised curricula take on Matewan would be?

Got to agree, Rafael is a train wreck. If his temper doesn't get him into trouble he will douche it up another way.

Can you seriously get a degree in theology and engineering at MIT? That's some diverse stuff there. Should it have been Theological Engineering? Engineering Theology? Or is it possibly more than one degree? I are a engineer, just wonderin'.

Sitting here thinking, maybe they need "adult" minders for these greek organizations then I remember the "house mother" of the frat I was in for about a week. She was a raging alcoholic so...anything goes, I guess, when the fox is running the roosterhouse.

I can safely say that there is no possible way that that scene was worse than I thought it!

Robist? Rober? Robologist? Robot? Robemeister? What is gender neutral for "robe man"?

Wait, fat women joke on men who are bald? Evil women, hateful women...

That really is a shame. Perhaps if you tried "Tortilla Flat" it would perk you up a bit. It was actually the first Steinbeck I read and completely revised my preconceptions about him. Also read "Travels with Charley" which is accessible and is a lens into a different time in US history from Steinbeck's rather

I was coaching softball one summer when one of the books came out. The day they began UPS delivery we barely had enough girls to start the first game of the evening. The Harry Potter fans began arriving by ones and twos after they got their books and they took them into the dugout and read when their teams were

It was Robert Jordan, not Robert Mitchum, if I'm not mistaken.