I think I would have just said, "See, that's why we fired him." Brevity and all...
I think I would have just said, "See, that's why we fired him." Brevity and all...
Beans and cornbread. Feed the family for, maybe, two dollars.
Gotta be Indiana because after you're drunk it's still Indiana; drunkenness can't make that go away.
Kevin Stallings is the biggest whiner in the NCAA.
I tried sitting in one and the seat bolsters were so narrow that my butt didn't make it to the cushion; it was...unsatisfactory. In the future I would recommend that use adult sized seats but, hey, I'm not exactly their target audience.
Look up about sixty rows behind where A.D. blocked that shot and you'll see me. I was the one acting foolishly.
Abby Someone?
I knew he had game from watching high school highlights of which there seemed an unlimited number. I knew he had ice water in his veins when he hit the last second shot against Miami for the win; it was his first game in Rupp. He wanted the ball, he took it down the court, he hit the shot. He was and still is a…
Are you sure you're not John Irving?
...or Magnum P.I., Greatest American Hero, A Team, any of those shows from that era had great music to dog trot to.
I was wondering why Paul Simon's picture was on this post.
Yeah, I went to my 5th and 10th reunions and damned if there weren't a bunch of people I went to high school with. Nope, nope, nope, will not be going back anytime soon.
It's actually pretty likely that no one their age has any idea who Dan Jenkins is. It's been decades since he wrote "Semi Tough". That being said, it was satire. He's like the modern Ambrose Bierce of the sports world.
Imagine how it will be for UK fans; we WILL have to listen to it all season long. Oh well, we'll just buy the "Platoon" t-shirts and keep on keepin' on.
I recommend taking a small drink first and getting things moistened, then pop the pills with another, bigger drink. Definitely helps the medicine go down.
What happens in marriage stays in marriage.
Here is the mission statement of Kentucky Sports Radio:
Spiderman from the rafters!
I only have one eye that works and all it saw was "Patti LaBelle Dies" and I nearly soiled myself. We just lost Jack, not ready for another one so soon.