
The ugly thing is that $1000 is just about half of my rent. I'd really like to stock away enough to cover four to six months of bills but if I was able to put the $16k to $24k that would take idle in a savings account, I wouldn't have any problems. That is a lot of liquid cash to have on hand. If I were to invest it,

I haven't had insurance in 16 years. I try to eat a balanced diet. I take my blood pressure at the grocery store. I basically pay attention to what my body is telling me and act accordingly. Over all of that time I've been to see a doctor twice and paid out of pocket both times. One was for a very bad sprain that

Weird timing. I used Notebook for GTD but just cleaned it out three days ago and transferred everything to Things.

Food and ways of preparing it is too personal, cultural, and regional to benefit from a wiki style collaboration. An extreme example would be pizza. Chicago and New York will never agree on crust and no one will ever agree on toppings, ect. ect. In fact it might be a good idea to include geolocation to recipe sites to

@genterara: "It's not us, it's you. You suck. In fact, let's talk about how much you suck for the next hour or so."

Those "This belongs to:" stickers are Elementary school pimp!

As soon as Apple updates the mini, I'm all over this.

And then his girlfriend drove right to the next bloke.

Awwwww yeah! My first car! Same color too. Oh wait, no, I had the straight six three on the tree version. I hit an Escort and totaled it without scratching the chrome on my bumper. Fixed the gear shift with a screwdriver and duct tape. The perfect first car. It broke down just enough for me to learn from and was built

Well let's see, as a passenger, I've been through flips of:

Rock that Country Squire. My mom bought one in '82 to move to Florida in. We got hit on the drivers fender by a Celica doing about 50mph, slid over 6 feet, and knocked over a fire hydrant. Celica was totaled. The driver had to be cut out of the car (he was OK though)and we drove away with two six inch dents that my

Blasphemy! And I did have a Camaro and a mullet. But it was Florida in the 80's.... my hands were pretty much tied.

As far as dates go, The Warfield marque has an April 7th show on it.

Here's an additional tip:

You all seem to be under the presumption that you are currently in control of any of your personal information. Google's services poise it to hold a lot of that information but it is nothing that is not available for anyone who cared to look elsewhere. But will they do evil things with it or use it to sell me

My girlfriend and I have been using this method of debt reduction for a while. While the other commentators are correct in the fact that there is no "right way" for everyone, I can say that this works best for us. We had about $1000 a month that we can afford to put toward debt reduction and about $28,000 in credit