I don’t even care if they play a shit team like the Sixers
I don’t even care if they play a shit team like the Sixers
You are a nice person to respond, but as a woman I can tell you it’s not worth your effort. If you do not look the way society tells you you should look, then it’s because of you — you failed. If you had only done X or Y or paid this amount of money or followed that particular regimen, then you would have achieved the…
Man, this is the right attitude. Similar situation, I’ve never not had something you can pinch there and no visible abs, despite being single digit body fat percentage. I dropped weight classes for a wrestling tournament once and was referred for eating disorder treatment, but still was like, but I can grab onto this?
That gif is my spirit gif. Sam Woolley tearin’ it up.
Good story!
I never really had a body image problem. I’m fit and in shape, a 34" waist, but just a slight gut that will not go away no matter how much I bike, run, lift weights, or anything. I dated my ex for four years and she would constantly complain about her “love handles.” She had none. She had a flat stomach, not a six…
I love my paunch.
I only surrender to FALCON PAUNCH.
Well I always wondered how to describe myself since I have a big stomach but no actual fat rolls (Except the once under my paunch) and now I know.
Holy shit. We finally found a football the Panthers can’t drop.
Eagles will sign both of them next week.
Clear eyes, full hearts, fuck that guy, right?!