hey there, OP here.
Trigger Warning was a huge letdown IMO.
Trigger Warning was a huge letdown IMO.
the OG.
saw the highlight, and zipped over here for the commentary. gentlemen, you never disappoint.
My Peruvian parents worked their asses off from the second they got to the U.S. Sticking to their vision got them from feeding us Velveeta on rice to paying for two undergrads (my sister) and my grad degree.
you beautiful brent yoo
one of my first convos with my current partner was about the porn we like to watch. IMO it’s better to get these taboos out at the beginning of the relationship. She’s the first person I’ve ever had the “okay, name all the skeletons now cuz they’ll come out anyway” conversation, and what we have is the healthiest…
sex educator here.
I could totally see Belichik lounging by the fireplace with a corncob pipe and his trusted Tom Brady curled up on his lap.
The supermodel part sounds like a rehearsed pitch. Like they were in the board meeting trying to figure out how eek the Tinder brand two centimeters closer to the Bumble crowd, and the best they could come up with was “Hey SeanDon, talk about how you are hard to get! Hit em with the ‘intellectual challenge’ schtick,…
I just want to say that as soon as I saw this on ESPN I thought to myself “This is front page on Deadspin right now.”
i r baboon
The other day I ran both the Vault of Glass and Crota’s End in Destiny with an adolescent girl from North Carolina on the team. She kicked some a$$. I was by far the worst player on that squad and she was a beast. I straight-up do not want to run a strike without her ever again.
as soon as I saw this I fucking KNEW that deadspin was going to gif it. good to know i've started to watch sports through this lens.