
Lol, imagine if this was real. Android would be dead. And I just bought an Incredible 2.

Yea I feel the same way, but i like that this phone is thinner, lighter, better battery, cheaper, and has a cool design... I'm still deciding, but I like the Inc2 a lot.

Pretty sure the ThunderBolt has a 1GHz 2nd-gen Snapdragon just like the Incredible 2. And while comparing, to be fair, the Incredible 2 is cheaper, thinner, lighter, and will get better battery life than the TB. So it's not a clean win for either of them.

They are prolly pissed that PSN is down like everyone else so they are ditching it. Their CodBlops/Socom4 clan had to be put on hold.

Google really should fund this project to make up for the PATHETIC support Android has gotten from manufacturers regarding OS updates. That would be amazing if they did.

It's about time Lifehacker. Sometimes technology and complicated methods don't solve problems.

So.... more fragmentation for Android?

@SuicidalEarthworm: They aren't just now patching it, they've patched it several times already since released and it's still one of the most buggy online games I've ever played.

Buy a new laptop every 1-2 years? WTF? I still use the same Thinkpad T60 (i love it) that I got about 5 years ago. It's flawless. Who the hell would buy a new laptop every 1-2 years, it's not like they are $200 cellphones.

No interest in paying for 4G data that's gonna cost $50/m.

@JeffPom: Notified and Notified grip plugin. == Problem solved, it's just like Android now. Jailbreaking an iPhone is a no brainer.

My only issue with the iPhone is the pop-up based notification system.

@EnigmaNemesis: Bad Company 2 is and was awesome. What ruined it for me thought is knifing which basically doesn't work, and is complete garbage compared to the awesome knifing from Bad Company 1. It was awesome running around knives out in BC1... Also, spotting is really f-ing lame. To be able to swing the camera

So you are deciding from 2 shooters from a series of shooters that provide a modest evolution to the series, no evolution? This article isn't very good at all.

Based on this I will NEVER buy another Samsung phone (I use an iPhone however purchased the Galaxy S as a gift), and I will tell anyone considering buying a Samsung phone to avoid them.

@devilzwings: I didn't even know you could craft things in TF2 now. I stopped playing it ages ago, was never really crazy about the game play. It looks cool though, much more fun than what I remember. I used to love the Mario Kart map servers though.

If I play games it'll be mainly Black Ops with friends (on PS3)

@Grimm808: That's one of my favorite games of all time.

Not bad for $7.99. Actually the graphics look in some ways better than COD's ancient graphics engine.

Wow this is the first version of Android that makes me feel like the OS is really coming together. It would be nice to see phones run a version of this as well. That would sway me from the iPhone 5.