
I use PS3 for my media hub. On my PC I run PS3 Media Server (used to use TVersity which worked well too). It handles any streaming.

@BrandonMkIII: what are you doing on this website then? It's a very solid list I've played most of them.

Pretty good list.

Didn't do anything on my friends Samsung Captivate. What else is new, never buy a Samsung phone they'll never update it past 2.1 unless you take matters into your own hands with Cognition.

@comtar: The graphics and music are both very very good. It does a great job at that no-load-time Uncharted kinda thing too. The combat I actually really like once you get further into the game.

No complaints here, the PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 will have the back story at the beginning, better graphics than the 360 version due to the ME3 engine running, Blu-ray for better sound and no disk swapping, all the DLC and tweaks built in... It's going to be an excellent version for anyone who hasn't played it yet.

@TheKel: Same here actually, and now with Firefox 4 coming, i probably still won't.

@drnimrod: I too used TVersity for a long time with my PS3. Then I got tired of it not refreshing directories when I added files to them.

@Nawara_Ven: No I haven't experienced any "bad ports" However there are definitely a lot of inferior ones. The current biggest being Black Ops running at a lower resolution on PS3 than 360, not much lower, but enough to notice.

@Tenshigure: yea they are just releasing ME2 and 3 on PS3 but supposedly ME2 has a new intro that goes over the story from the first game.

Cool, I'll definitely download this demo to compare it to what I remember playing on the PC version (the previous best version). I'm curious if this is getting serious PS3 treatment or its just a quick port (hopefully the former).

20-25 min in an oven? Nah, I'll stick with 5 min in a pan.

I'm not claiming that AT&T is perfect, but I will say that my iPhone generally works very well in the NJ/NYC area. I get excellent data speeds and service. Occasionally I get dropped calls though, not gonna pretend I don't, but I'm in no rush to switch carriers.

@phinn: You would think that Samsung would actually upgrade their Galaxy S line with Android 2.3 very quickly now that the Nexus S is almost identical. But I doubt it. I did some poking around and found this 2.2 release for the Captivate:

@JiveBowie: KZ2 definitely felt laggy and sluggish. It's ultimately why I stopped playing it and traded it in. However that's completely untrue in Killzone 3. Some website even measured the latency and response now and its down to almost where COD games are.

This is cool, when/if I get an Android phone next I'll definitely be checking this out.

VOTE: Notepad++


@Parallel Johnny: after all, there is a shortage of perfect breasts in this world.