
Google Maps for Android. That's all I needed to consider going back to Apple. 4th-gen Nexus for me (provided it's not too big).

Firefox is awesome. The only place I think it needs improvement is Javascript responsiveness on sites like Youtube. When mousing over the comments it's really laggy compared to Chrome.

Failed at still running Gingerbread.

You get what you pay for :-/

Umm, a trick? I've always done this.

It's simple, don't buy their phones. That's why I don't.

Honestly they should hold off and release this built-in with Jelly Bean.

I'd say Guinness.

4.6"? Lol, no. That would be stupid. Oh wait, Android already has phones that big and I have no clue why people buy those models.

Gamers and iPad? lol.

No, it woudln't be a win win, then you can't use the phone one handed. This is TERRIBLE actually. Whatever resolution that turns out to be is irrelevant so long as it's 4.0" max at about 300ppi.

Where did you get 3.7"? The iPhone has had a 3.5" screen since launch, it's considered by most to be almost perfect in size. I would say 3.7-4.0" (with 16:10 or 16:9 ratio) is perfection. This phone is gonna suck, it's just a small tablet.

Agreed, no interest in this phone it looks way too big if it's over 4". If anything all these stupidly big handsets will drive me back to Apple for the iPhone 5 as much as I like Linux and Android.

Excellent list HTC, glad Incredible 2 makes the cut. The best part about this is it will help CyanogenMod 9 release a pure version of ICS that doesn't look like that ugly POS photos they released recently.

Oh hell yea, imagine this thing hooked up to a Mark III or RED Scarlet shooting film.

I thought Nintendo DS was dumb, this is one of the worst gadgets ever.

For gaming it's pretty much just COD now, and the odd RPG. Maybe Diablo 3. Ok, definitely Diablo 3.

I assumed as part of the contract Samsung would be pushing for the lawsuit to be dropped, and they probably couldn't agree on those terms.

MW3 has pretty boring maps that's why. Nothing memorable. Black Ops with Firing Range and Nuketown, along with Zombies blows it away.

Demon's Souls was incredible, looking forward to playing Dark Souls soon.