
Lame, i was really hoping for a flushed out WoW-like battlegrounds/arena system... or at the very least PVP in the regular gameworld. That would have made this epic. I'll still probably get it, but maybe Guild Wars 2 is more what i'm looking for now.

This console gen is 6-7 years old... Let's move on soon, k?

What you're saying isn't the whole story. The dual core Krait CPU already beats the Tegra 3 on some benchmarks, of course Apple could beat it with a dual core CPU / quad core GPU setup if it's a better design. Looks at the dual core Krait getting 220Mflops Linpack for example.

1.2MW of power to move 4 cars 9.5mph? I think we can do better.

Lol ad-supported.

Cool, I heard after iOS 6, the next version might be iOS 7.

Seems that this is more likely just a Valve PC or something that runs Win7 and has Steam built in and will run all the games on their "fast".

Excellent looking engine, but the aliasing was a dead giveaway on each picture.

This is an excellent approach HTC, since you insist on adding UI changes (note i didn't necessarily say tweaks). I really like their "One" design, very simple, 3 phones that vary with size.

Is there a unified notification system like Linux/Android, Mac, or iOS? It's the one thing I wanted with Windows 7.

Siri is still cool, but I'll take ICS's speed. The funny part was the Navigation... Android Nav is incredible, seeing iOS open that same horrible map program my 1st-gen iPhone had in 2007 was funny. I do like Siri's personality though, and the fact it can talk back is neat, but not that useful.

Meh, it's hard to get excited about anything in this console-gen anymore. Bring on PS4.

Agreed, 3 OSes is plenty enough. This project isn't going to help anyone. All Mozilla should be doing is working on building excellent version of Firefox and Thunderbird for Android. Blackberry should work on a skin for Android and drop their OS as well (like say, HTC does with Sense).

4.8"? That would be retarded.

The HTC One S looks perfect. It seems like a spiritual successor the power, size, and look of the Incredible. It would be nice if Verizon would get it, then it might be my next phone to replace my Inc2. Would love to have an Amoled display next.

Well the console version sux. It only runs at 30fps. It feels choppy and sluggish with LAGGY controls (esp the PS3 version but what else is new). If I had a $1,000 PC i'd get it for that. Maybe i'll build a new Ivy Bridge box.

Ziggurat Vertigo

The best HTC Incredible 2 guide is here:

A Linux user with iOS is like a Mac OS user with Android, good luck.

Woulda been cooler to see the game maxed out on a PC than the mediocre aging 360 graphics.