
Game is amazing. Solid GOTY contender. So much content and its all so well done. Ended up getting it for PS3 and love it. Any version (PC/PS3/360) you won't be disappointed.

The moleskin my incredible ex used to get me.

@Kyosuke_Nanbu: While it's true Forza doesn't take forever to come out, no way can you say it's "miles better" before GT5's release since almost no one's played GT5.

@brockishard: I grabbed it on Amazon it a week ago when it was $54.44. Making it (59.99 x 1.07) - 54.44 = $9.75 cheaper than a store :)

@hazelnut1112: Yep, Sony screwed up big time and clearly can't get cross game voice chat working on PS3. I duobt it'll happen until PS4 at this point 4 years into the consoles life.

@NecronomiconUK: I wouldn't go so far as to turn on an Xbox for party chat. Honestly I think the PS3 voice chat is fine I use it a lot...

@timgray: Xbox Live is $60/year, and yea even PS3 and Wii can do diskless streaming now for free. PS3 version even supports 1080p and 5.1 surround.

I was going to. But then I remembered Black Ops is coming out. I'll leave this one for the women. What's wrong with Pidgin, the program of which Adium was derived?

Figures Sony would wait on a sequel what is arguably their best and most unique exclusive besides LittleBigPlanet.

I'm confused, this Gmail update for Mobile Safari on the iPhone barely did anything new. It's had a floating menu for close to a year now. All they did was lock the menu at the top rather than actually have it float, and make it scroll a little faster.

@Ben R: Is 6.1 going to be available for any of the Galaxy S phones? Doesn't look like it, just asking.

Best alarm app to me is the one built into the iPhone. I've been using it for 3 years now across 2 of them.

Wow I'm amazed. He beat some bosses so easily that took me a while. Getting past the blue dragon shocked me, I always soul arrowed him down.

@phinn: Lol unstarrted for that? All I did was disagree because I think its very unreasonable to compare the iPhone's basic "suck" texting to something you have to jailbreak your phone and then pay $9 for.

Uhh iPhone texting suck? Man Gizmodo your slipping. 3 years ago when the iPhone came out it was my favorite texting platform... and as of today, it still is.

@WashingtonForeskins: Why would someone drink beer for attention? Your theory completely sux.

@Disabled_Vette: lol your kidding right? PS3 has by far the best exclusives.

@Niteman cometh: Yes, netflix has always been 720p and 2 channel sound. This PS3 release adds the option of both 1080i, and 5.1 surround.

Awesome, and no extra yearly fee to play games and netflix online... PS3 is the shit now.