
@infinitezero: I agree, even though I platinumed it and am getting Black Ops.

@ModernTenshi04: Hmm I could try that, but 10.10 works perfectly on my laptop, and 10.04 works perfectly on my desktop as is.

@Buddha916: What are you talking about, I update and install new apps all the time and have never had to reboot. I apt-get upgrade (aptitude is gone now) every day.

I dunno, its mainly a Windows thing. My Ubuntu box literately could be rebooted once every 6 months when I do a distribution upgrade (which comes every 6 months).

This is common sense, who doesn't keep beer in the crisper?

@charles.c.tanner: Actually your quite wrong. Pirate cleared it up enough by saying its a short hand way of describing it.

Unfortunately Ubuntu 10.10 messed up my entire computer by corrupting the boot loader. I had to put 10.04 back on to be able to go back to using Ubuntu and Win7.

@pirateaboard001: I'm not just being a pain in the ass, this is serious question about semantics. If it's read in binary its "1 0 1 0 1 0". But yes I understand your point, I just wanted to make a comment about it because I find it irritating for some unknown reason.

@TheAnswer42: No, he is right, that's 42 in decimal if you have 101010 in binary. There is no such thing as 42 in binary.

@Salacion: Because of 42. The answer to the ultimate question.

Why do people keep saying "That's 42 in binary". No. That's 42 in decimal if you converted 101010 from binary. There is no such thing as 42 in binary.

@MasterAce: Meh, I beat the single player to get the platinum trophy (100% achievements)

@zjgz: Lol he has a point, suggesting sub par games and Wubi isn't a solution when you wanna play the newest stuff like Black Ops with your friends. My solution was to get a PS3 but oh well.

@LeftClicker: Yea its really annoying Lifehacker wrote this article and put a Dock in the photo that doesn't seem to be built into Ubuntu (or is it brand new in 10.10?).

@Shrewsbury: yea they aren't that great for gaming, music, or video (if you want Netflix). Right now, until Android 3.0 or so, iPhone 4 does it all.

Yes, you should, why bother with multiple devices to do the things that one device can do. It's an added expensive and to much to put in my pockets.

@reuthermonkey: fair enough. but a friend of mine was trying to show me a youtube video on the commute home today (from NYC) and it crashed on his Droid. Meanwhile I can watch Netflix almost without a hitch on my iPhone.

@soulsiphon, Malakite Vassal of War: I realize that, was just saying it's about time. Even Roku had it. Anyway I'm still curious to see what the built-in Netflix on PS3 does differently when it comes out next month.

None of this is an issue with my iPhone. I happily stick with that until Android 3.0 or later.

@ThePr1nce: I agree with you that he doesn't care whether or not the top actually falls...