
It's about time, even PS3 had this feature for a while now.

@Dhaman: There are several Android choices with AT&T but I guess this flow chart is saying that Captivate is your best one. I'd recommend the iPhone 4 still though, its pretty awesome as most of my friends have it now.

I used Remote to play music at a party last weekend, it works awesome. Glad the 2.0 update is out now.

Not really, just chillin with maybe BC2 until Black Ops comes out.

@phinn: Okay okay I guess if you say "with no contract" at all then fine the 3gb model is $699.

Umm the iPhone is $199. What's with that price? And don't tell me its another currency (which would make sense) because the iMac was that price in USD.

@fotd_spectacular: yea i'm not sure where your coming up with O2 releasing with boiled water.

Tea. My favorites are red rose, and irish or english breakfast teas. All black tea of course. Either plane or with a bit of honey.


Very good

@ddhboy: oh what dBm do you get on your carrier in his location?

Personally I just played with it in Firefox (well all I use is Firefox I ditched Chrome)... I really didn't think much of it. It was cool but I don't really like my screen jumping around while i'm typing.

I'm so disappointed today. I updated my 3GS to 4.1 (against my better judgement as i was gonna jailbreak) hoping for HDR photography and Game Center...

@ev50309: Not bad, looks good although the bright parts are definitely a bit washed out on the HDR image. Can't wait to play with it though even though I just got a 3GS, every phone needs this now!

Looking forward to taking photos with the HDR setting.

@Strife Fox †: You bought a slow-as-molasses iPhone 3G in Jan with the 3GS out and the 4 coming out? Man thats rough.

@TheRevanchist2: You have a 3GS and haven't upgraded yet? Lol your kidding right? Yes, you'll want iOS 4.1