
iPhone 3GS or newer... makes sense, just like multitasking.

So this can be done with any device that runs a terminal (jb iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, laptop, etc?). Pretty cool, but I'm guessing last nights PS3 update fixed this?

Yep I see this too (in the US). No clue what it means but its kinda cool. I never goto anymore (always just use the search bar) so I guess this gets me going there.

@Lysdexia_NoKotakuEdition: Don't know why your mad Apple announces new iPods every September you shoulda just waited... Especially knowing the next one would have an A4 and Retina from the iPhone 4.

@Pyrotechnics: oh its hasn't done much, but its been funny. we've done stuff like "HotgirlsApt107Plz" too. that of course never worked either.

I really liked TNG and a few episodes from other Star Treks. But my favorite show is definitely Battlestar Galactica. Mini series, 4 seasons, 2 movies. Watch them all.

Been doing this for years.

@tinkerer13: Um I do. I use it use Ubuntu 10.04 daily on my laptop. Although Win7 is my primary OS on my desktop it could easily use it there too.

I beat Skies of Arcadia Legends for Gamecube, even got the ultimate weapons... It's one of my favorite RPGs of all time, up there with FF-VII and X.

@Hasteur: Yea but since most photos don't match the dynamic range of our eyes obviously a subtle HDR effect would be great. I'm really looking forward tt this.

Wow AirPlay sounds sweet. That would be beast if it could stream to other devices like PS3 as a media server too.

I think this is cool. Not gonna buy it, use my iPhone 3GS its a great music player, but I still think its cool.

@pmbaustin: I really think your over reacting, I use it on Win7 and have few complaints with my iPhone 3GS. If you turn off album art it doesn't use a lot of memory either but I don't care as I got plenty of ram.

@pmbaustin: I know iTunes isn't perfect but is it really that bad? I have all my music and cover flow in it and use it to backup, update, and put music on my iPhone. It's pretty damn easy to use for that.

My #1 choice, which isn't listed, is iOS 4.1 announcement... Also an iPhone 4 antenna and proximity fix.

12 gauge shot gun, and a few 22 riffles, that's about it =/

Shit just got real.

Doc Brown and Q.