
@ShyGuy: yea it looks terrible, obviously the Wiimote or PlayStation Move would actually make this game fun.... this is just bad.

Looks terrible controlling it without actually holding a wand or having buttons.

@DocSeuss: Yea the extra 40gb is pointless. Sony should either lower the price to $250 instead, or add something like BC back.

@phinn: Maybe ima troll, but that doesn't make me wrong. A fanboy on the other hand certainly not. I prefer BC2 over both those games.

Looks terrible compared to the new Black Ops multiplayer vid.

I don't know whatever happened to Castle Crashers coming on PS3 (it was announced what like a year ago?)... That been said, if it ever does actually come out I'll buy it.

This game hasn't locked on my PS3 once. That been said I don't think its all that great, the music is awesome but the gameplay gets really repetitive after a while, even tho its nice they give you new moves as you play.

Really dumb reason to not allow the app. Actually its a pretty good idea. I can see if they didn't want it enabled by default but there is no reason why it shouldn't be allowed in the options of the app.

@firenzeta: if your still rocking a V360 then you deserve to have that a a consolation ;-)

I haven't had a dropped call on my iPhone 3GS in over 3 months.

It would be dumb if Verizon got the iPhone 4 anyway with the antenna issue not fixed. If anything the iPhone 5 should be for them.

Electrical Engineers get laid more and choose the iPhone. I would know.

@DARTH_TIGRIS: Decent points, also this is by no means the final build of the game and I'm sure it wont be quite this slow.

@TheContender: Hmm only 5%? By the way people talked I always thought it was a significant part of the game and like most of the side quest stuff. That makes it sound like nothing.

@mrantimatter: dead hedgehogs, lol this is the best post.

I was gonna buy Yakuza 3 until I heard of how much side content was cut from the game. I then decided to hold off on it entirely until its cheap or just get Yakuza 4.

The 2.41 PS3 fw update only took me about 10 minutes total. I agree even thats too long, but no where near as long as this article describes.

@svegley: I always liked Treyarch's games. MW2 has a lot of flaws, a few over powered perks, and the kill streaks are so unbalanced and over powered its just retarded.