
Looks cool but no thanks... Black Ops.

I dunno what your talking about with this article. Everywhere I read said its shorter but this.

I never liked Apple fanboys much either. That been said, I have an iPhone 3GS and I love it.

It looks exactly like the iPhone application?

day 1 purchase.

@Bruce Irvin: Because I always explore alternatives, especially before plunking down $200 and a 2yr contact.

@Josh Grant: No I'm saying that Android software will hopefully improve by the time I'm eligible for a phone upgrade.

Lol @ crappy Android software. Hopefully by the time my contract is up with my iPhone 3GS there will be better stuff so I can strongly consider a switch.

They shoulda done a cool looking space on Vespin... While this might be neat, its yet-another Home fail.

@wk1234: i don't think its at all correct to assume because iOS4 supports limited multitasking that the code is running on the 3G. I don't know whats causing the issues (it runs perfect on my 3GS) but there is no reason to assume that's the reason.

Shoulda got an iPhone bra.

Sounds great, my gf loves this game and I play with her split screen sometimes. Load times have always been the reason why I don't play it much.

Mario is played out.

@Talthybius: the real joke is how bad Android runs on a lot of phones, 2.2 may be a performance improvement to finally put it in line with iPhone, but a lot of the cheaper handsets ($100 range) run TERRIBLE. Making the $99 iPhone 3GS a steal.

@zoompooky: ugh nevermind found it in the page info finally

@zoompooky: this is perfect, can you post a link to the full pic? why cant gizmodo let me just right click and get the full size link. i cant find it in source.

@numo16: My iPhone 3GS goes all day no problem too of course, averaging 50% or more battery left at the end.

@FriedPeeps Can Kick A Stupid Shark's Ass: true however some interesting stuff has been done via jailbreak. I would say they don't wanna do this in the same way they didn't enable true multitasking, they wanna maximize battery life and performance.

The remote app does still work great though. Could use some updates but I'm not sure with what.