
@SeraphX2: True, but this post includes a link to the actual changelog so you can see whats new in 3.40 (spoiler: no cross game voice chat)

@MrCrash: Loves his Mopars: they don't need to, the fact that if you hold your iPhone 4 the wrong way and it loses its signal should be enough.

Makes absolutely no sense to me why Sony would put in a VIDEO EDITOR program but still no context sensitive PS button, or party chat. They could have at least improved the web browser with flash 10.1.

The changelog is up on PlayStation Blog:

@potatojenkins: What do you mean by better? My friends that have Android devices complain about poor screen visibility outside, and mediocre battery life. Not to mention Android 2.1 is slower than the iPhone OS, and wont be good until 2.2 is mainstream. No device is perfect. If your believe otherwise your a fanboy.

@resonance462: yep pretty much drains battery and uses memory.

"Is it just me or does the iPhone always seem to be one step behind Android phones these days?"

@JabbaB: I'm not misinformed, your misinformed. Live is not the same price as PSN if you can go on Amazon, Newegg, or any other website and buy 1 year of it for under $35. PSN+ is currently sitting at $50 with WAY less functionality.

@Bramsey89: Who the hell promoted this troll's comment. This is not a 3GS issue, its an issue with the iPhone 4 hardware when shorting the two antenna systems on the bottom left gap, or the top gap of the phone. This can be done with your hand, as shown.

@AdamWeiss: This is funny, and pathetic than Apple's Engineers designed this phone with this flaw. I canceled my preorder and sticking with the 3GS until its resolved, or something better comes along.

@kylecpcs: good run it, i'll be interested in seeing as this is why i didn't get the iphone 4 the day it came out, canceled my preorder over it.

@Zinger314: It'll be very interesting if it did have something to do with frequency switching that was causing the signal drop though. We'll have to wait and see, I'm with you on this but it will be interesting if this is software fixed.

If they get rid of the ridiculously unbalanced and overpowered kill perks from MW2, this game would be worth buying for that alone.

@JabbaB: It's a joke compared to what people get for paying less for Live.

Terrible package compared to Xbox Live, I'll stick to the free PSN service, PSN+ is a joke right now.

@phinn: i was under the impression that this phone was to have a 4.3" screen and be a lot bigger than the old Droid, if thats not correct then i take back what i said.

This sounds awesome but I canceled my iPhone 4 preorder after I saw all the videos with the antenna problems. I can't believe the Engineers would even consider letting this phone past prototyping with that. Especially for me, I'm left handed. Sticking with my iPhone 3GS i'm happy with it still.

I canceled my iPhone 4 preorder after I saw all the videos with the antenna problems. I can't believe the Engineers would even consider letting this phone past prototyping with that. Especially for me, I'm left handed. Sticking with my iPhone 3GS i'm happy with it still.

This is a solid new feature for a minor version number. It wouldn't have expect this. Even though Firefox 3.x has literately never crashed on me. If only in the next update they would dramatically improve the speed of javascript to fall in line with other browsers.

@the captain of #whitenoise: It runs great on my 3GS, the camera takes photos much faster, and Safari is a bit faster too. For example Sunspider in 4.0 is 13,100ms where it was 16,400ms in 3.1.3. Sucks it didn't work out so well for 3G users.