For the love of all that is holy: PLEASE PUT TITLES ON ARTICLES.
For the love of all that is holy: PLEASE PUT TITLES ON ARTICLES.
So women sexually assaulting and robbing men is something to be celebrated now? Extremely poor taste given Cardi B’s admitted personal history. I expect better from Jezebel. The hypocrisy and double standards are on full display in this article.
Yea everything you said at the end is wrong. You dont get to assault anyone over words or beliefs. You belong in jail if you do.
Very mature to call another professional a “dipshit”. Definitely something to be proud of. I’m sure when Libby is inevitably, perhaps soon, seeking actual journalistic employment, that will work in her favor.
She’s much more useful being her loud, obnoxious, America-hating self.
I am a firm believer that the one thing the federal government is responsible for with our taxes are roads, infrastructure and the military. This would include border security. How the Congress apportions the rest, that is on them, though the Executive has a huge hand in guiding the direction of spending with his…
You know he is. Saying anything mean about the Squad should lead to immediate execution, according to Splinter.
This is definitely not the place for reasoned, fact-based arguments. It amazes me how utterly vicious these people can get toward anyone who doesn’t match their worldview completely
I value what you have to say!
You guys just don’t like what the poll found. Not that what you are saying is invalid, any poll should reveal it’s methodology and data if it’s to be considered legit. Having said that, yeah, AOC is the face of the Democrat party now, for better or worse. Given that Socialism is still fantastically unpopular with…
LOL at the hack commenter GearoidDubh(LostHisBurnerKey) who asks for specific backup for the claim, then says he’s going to dismiss responses. Super easy to think you’re winning the argument when anyone who disagrees is a troll, champ!
Wow, I don’t know where to start here: Pot meet Kettle? Here are some stones for those other greenhouses? You have some stones to write this.
The irony of anyone on Splinter giving a crap about journalism is so immense that if it had physical manifestation, it would form a neutron star.
“She’s only a woman of color when it’s convenient. None of the things she’s fought for aligned with communities of color and her group is funded only by elitist white liberals; she’s a puppet,” the top Democratic aide told The Hill in a phone call.
If AOC really wanted to make a statement that resonated she would also point out that Obama legalized propaganda in the United States for use on American citizens and also signed the NDAA which was the Patriot Act on steroids. Then she would make the case that “we” need to change. She doesn’t though because she has no…
Nazis and 911. This comment has it all.
American voters aren’t going to be shamed into open borders, or free everything. Keep trying though.
They would get paid as much as the men if they generated as much interest as the men. Even with incredible media support due to their anti-Trump rhetoric they don’t. Those are just the facts.
It’s not even close. The Ram is nicer than most luxury cars. I drove the Rebel and Trail Boss back to back, and there is a 0% chance I can live with the interior of the Chevy for the same price or more.