
The 2014-2015 was the last good looking Chevy truck in my opinion. There are things I don't like about it. It too could probably be less huge, but it looks far better than it's facelift and the current "roids gone wrong" truck.

I’m gonna do what I always do on the 4th -- go strawberry picking.  If the weather holds up, in the afternoon we’re gonna take the canoe out and go fishing.  ;-)

Snowboarder here:

Maybe I’m alone in this but I get highly amused by their inability to move on flat runs.

Yeah this. In terms of actually going down the slopes there’s basically no difference between a skiier and a snowboarder. A really shitty snowboarder is going to mess up the snow more than a really shitty skiier would but who cares, it’s such a minor impact and the slopes are fucked by the end of the day anyway.

I’m a skier (I sucked at snowboarding) and I do whine about Snowboarders a bit but I find that it’s only on the green slopes if I’m getting back into the swing of things. Once I move to blues and blacks it’s all good and they usually do better than I do on the slope.

On the greens, it’s a lot of novices sitting,

Because almost no one hikes up? Come on dude. 

I’m old enough that I saw this porno flick in a theater.

Interesting read, but I don’t know if after a life of snowboarding and two days of skiing you’re in the best position either from a bias standpoint or from an experience standpoint to say whether or not banning snowboarders makes the experience better for skiiers. Plus, come ski in New England where our snow quality

100 million people murdered by commies can’t be wrong!

Yeah I know, I’m just saying he’s the real version of what they claim to be Jesus do we always have to do this??

Antifa are not anti-fascist they are just anarchist that do not want to obey the law. Every article on this site about them likes to heap on praise, yet there was a journalist that was recently attacked by antifa and is now in the hospital with a brain-hemorrhage. 

One, I hope he was not renewed. That cartoon is heinous.

Tell me the truth Paul, this article has been sitting in draft since the start, right?

Yeah, it’s really weird how some people seem to think we can just pull an “open borders” policy out our ass, be literally the only country to do it, and this somehow constitutes a sane immigration outlook. I’d much rather we (a) stopped doing stupid shit around the world to exacerbate pathological migration patterns

Why shouldn’t unlawful entry be a criminal offense?

NAFTA placed Mexico on the same economic level with the US as Canada. If this isn’t the case, then the Mexico-US border should be more guarded anyway.

Reminder that there are at least 5 major population centers on the shortest route between El Salvador and Brownsville that this family could have lived in and been happy. There is a problem at the border because Mexico is more than happy to shuttle these immigrants through and neither major party wants to fix the

Perfect summary.  All these glib comparisons to Hitler are insulting and get met with a backlash.