Picture this: Someone actually buying one of these things.
Picture this: Someone actually buying one of these things.
Omar really does not like Jewish people.
Your insight is terrible. Your absolutism is so stupid. You solved the question you intended to pose with your headline. Moderate means average, less intense, middle of the road. Are you surprised it doesn’t meet far left requirements? Are you that dense?
Your viewpoints essentially eliminate the spectrum and are…
Why is it that the radical left is always trying to co-opt sound strategy that has worked for centuries simply because a few Bernouts were too stoned to remember to vote? Hillary won the popular vote and lost a few states by an amount well within the margin of error. Even Jill Stein wanted a recount.
Looks like Drumpf knows he made a fatal error by attacking The Squad and is now doing whatever he can to make amends. Sorry, Drumpfy ol’ boy, not gonna work. 2020 belongs to whoever the DNC chooses to be the candidate.
Yeah except your typical management isn’t lead by a guy who says he’s the ultimate friend to the working class and who just happens to be running for President.
Well this is certainly a little awkward.........
I’ve seen pictures of Trump rallies, and there’s been more than a few blacks, Asians, and Hispanics who love this guy.
An illegal Immigrant killed my nephew, why would I want to help these people who are breaking our laws and violating our own citizens rights? What good is anyone doing by helping people who are breaking our laws avoid capture or delay deportation? How absolutely disgusting that people who have zero clue about the…
He felt a little bad about it even though he didn’t have to. Greatest President ever, until of course, President Buttjudge takes office.
I woke up this morning in a cold sweat. “Where am I?” was my first thought. I was in my bedroom, but I recognized nothing. Perhaps it was because I have not been able to sleep since before Trump’s infamous tweet and am delirious and malnourished. I am also quite depressed. All this has helped me lose quite a bit of…
That Maya Angelou quote has always bugged me.
I dont mean to change the subject Sophie, but are we going to talk about this?
I’m not sure why you feel the need to summarize an article I linked to so everyone could read and draw their own conclusions. But the idea that “The Star Tribune article just says that there are facts and circumstances she’s said she doesn’t want to talk about” is not what it “just says”. And who fucking cares what…
Here is the Minneapolis Star-Tribume, the largest newspaper in Ilhan Omar’s home state, reporting on the very odd circumstances of her marriages including the very real possibility that she married her brother and committed immigration fraud and has some tax issues.
Did he tell her to stop drugging men, robbing them of their money, and then making a movie about it?
This is just incredible journalism. Well done, Nick. I think this is the story that propels you to the next level.
So fucking go there first since that shit has been out there for years while you idiots wallowed in silence about it. If you didn't care then, please shut the fuck up about it now.
You’ve infuriated the crazies on the site with that. I can only imagine how nuts they’d go if you told them that Ilhan Omar only has a 9% approval rating in her district, and that AOC was at a pathetic 22%.