
A mother and 3 children attempt to break US law and die in the process.

This article is making some assumptive leaps that you don’t find in the New York Times article; mainly creating the sense of a correlation between their deaths and accusations of border patrol agents maliciously sabotaging life-saving water supplies.

About as many as Obama did when websites like Splinter’s predecessor weren’t reporting on it.

Most likely we’re talking drug cartels.

Sounds like the mother is guilty of child endangerment.


California will pay for Mongolia. Its only fair.

Meanwhile there’s no defense against being raped by Bill Clinton, and the various celebrities of the political left encouraged his behavior.  It’s almost like you don’t give a fuck about women at all, but rather, just want to score political points. 

A general statement signifying nothing.

American Left.

Libby you might want to look at your “dad’s” shit poll numbers with POC again. Really it’s getting tired at this point. Your “dad” has no plans, no path to victory and sycophants like you are now realizing that his shit is over. Do us all a favor and go away. For real. You keep saying that it won’t be old and white

There will never be enough women willing to have sex for money to satisfy demand. I know gizmondo holds the cool girl/bro friendly position that sex work is a fun side hustle for attractive, young, white women who are oh so liberal and chic but that isn’t the reality. When complete decriminalization happens, demand

Jake Wyler is an idiot.

1) American Indians make up 0.9% of the population.

kill yourself

Speaking of controlling the narrative, I recall something about Russian collusion at the beginning of this mess...

Cocaine Mitch: women want him, men want to be him.

I love how everyone glossed over Hillary’s obvious incontinence problem. Old ladies dribble out pee, it’s incontrovertible. She wears those comical tent/oven mitt outfits to conceal the stains, and avoids drinking water to the point of fainting dehydration.

Thank you Lord. We must put an end to the slaughter.