
It’s too bad this happened in Seattle, where fans prefer smaller, handcrafted, artisanal dingers.

Boo hoo. Let’s all shed a tear for the CIA and NSA ghouls who are losing their previously unchallenged power to decide what the American people are permitted to know about CIA and NSA operations.

OMG. Honestly didn’t think he’d do this. To understand what he’s trying to you have to understand that he’s a reality TV showman. He’s starting a new season and it’s gonna end right at election time. This is honestly horrible. Whether Barr finds anything or not - he won’t - doesn’t matter. He’s going to dominate the

That is over $60,000 a year. I hardly called that fucked. I don’t know many taxi drivers making that. $60,000 a year is a decent salary. Sure it doesn’t mean you can afford a fancy car or house but you can certainly live well on that amount of money. Lets say they move to $30/hr and you had a dual income household at

Can’t wait to pay $20 to take an uber to McDonalds for a $10.99 Big Mac combo!

Friendly reminder this guy was on CNN 121 times and on MSNBC 108 times. 

I love and respect and miss Obama but his idea to change the $20 to Tubby was pretty dumb and so is Ayana’s tweet. Cash is going away. Doesn’t matter who’s on a $20 because in the future cash won’t be accepted anywhere and to be honest if you hold any you’ll just get laughed at by everyone. 

I have a genuine fear that if Trump wins the 2020 election, Democrats are going to refuse to accept the outcome.

Personal accountability!? You misogynist! 

So here’s the thing. Reproductive rights of women are not being infringed. No one is taking your right to bear a child away, no one is forcing you to have a baby. What they are simply doing is taking away your right to kill a living human being.  If you want to have sex and not have a baby, it’s pretty simple.  The

Does he have to put one of those striped tube socks on his stump then to truly sell the 80s nostagia?

Nobody will change your mind if you think something as irrational as that. Most people are centrists and vote for centrists.  Joe is playing to the most people. This is math. If you don’t understand math, the probelm is with you.

If I went to live in another country (I have) and they told me to carry around a piece of paper or risk getting arrested, I’d carry the paper around and probably not criticize a foreign government, but you're lucky you can do that here.

In response to your opinion about tattoos, please see your other sentence:

Nope. They’re just so stuck in their circle jerks that they think everyone agrees with them.

This is a site that does not traffic in factual uncomfortable realities is required to maintain the bubble.

Biden will exit as planned after he starves most of the field of money.

You progressive nut jobs are a small portion of the electorate, less than 10%. Between 50-60% of the country falls in the center. Who do you think it a better target audience?

I get that you’ve got a beef with any 2020 Dem who isn’t Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. But the reporting on this is a going to be a no-win situation no matter what he does.

Pete Buttigieg, who is less a presidential candidate and more a collection of rich liberals’ fantasies projected into a crisp white shirt...