
I actually think Trump will be clear in all of this because Trump may be the one driving this behind the scenes. This could be payback on Mueller and Hillary over the entire Russian collusion hoax. Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago because he knew he was a creep. Bill Clinton flew on the Lolita express 26 times and

Well since men’s soccer generates around 30x more revenue than women’s you could argue that the pay gap is in favor of the women.  They make a higher percentage of total revenue compared to the men.

Being that the USWNT can’t even beat a team of U15 boys should give you the answer you are looking for.  

If you look at the revenue generated by the men’s wc vs. the women’s, you will actually find that the women get a bigger percentage of the revenue compared to the men (13% to 7%).  So, an argument could be made that the women are actually overpaid.

Biden is the only candidate that can beat Trump.  Just look at the latest poll data.  Trump vs. a socialist is a guaranteed Trump victory. 

If you had to buy the new Silverado, the only option in my mind would be a Trail Boss.  The all black front end hides some of the mistakes.

Yes.  I picked the Ram Laramie over a new Silverado and interior was a big selling point.  The redesigned Silverado mainly focused on the exterior.  The interior seems outdated compared to the Ram.  Also, I thought I’d hate it at first but the knob gear shifter is great.  Very easy to use and opens a little bit more

I was always a Chevy guy. Bought an 09' brand new and ran it till this past winter, 190k miles, it was a great truck. Truck shopping, and giving each brand a fair look, I decided to go with the 19' Ram Laramie.  Rams redesigned interior blows everything out of the water.  Also, to get the features of a Laramie in a

No, it shouldn’t.  The current president has nothing to do with our countries independence and that is what we celebrate.  You guys are nuts...

You guys are making way too big of a deal over a freaking parade.  Take a chill pill... Some people might enjoy seeing tanks in addition to your standard local fire trucks and HS marching bands.

I’ll enjoy celebrating this great nations independence like I always have.  Whoever is in the WH has no impact on this holiday to me.  

Cool.  Well enjoy sitting inside all day and playing on your phone...

Which is basically nothing and going back to ignoring the crisis at the border.  Clinton called for border security, Obama called for it, too.  But, when Trump actually enforces it, he’s the bad guy...

So what are you advocating for?  What do you suggest we do with all these people being held in “concentration camps”?

Please teach me, friend.  I’d love to learn.

Being that the ratio of skiers to snowboarders is about 3:1 nowadays, there will always be a plethora of crappy skiers to piss you off. Regardless of skiing/boarding there will always be those who attempt runs they have no business being on.  I know I was guilty of that as a teenager, but that’s what teenagers/early

You mean “no one is OPENLY advocating for that”.  All the Democratic candidates said they would provide healthcare for all undocumented immigrants.  You guys support sanctuary cities.  You guys don’t want to turn people away at the border.  So please, tell me how that is not indirectly an open border policy?

Totally agree.  I have no doubt this is what will finally bring the bad orange man down.

As a skier, my annoyance with snowboarders is riding the lifts with them and the congestion they create at the top of the lifts. They also have a a much harder time moving in flat areas. Basically, they create more traffic. But that’s it.  

Well yeah, monthly payments on a mortgage of a 3-bedroom home in the suburbs is cheaper than rent for a studio apartment in the city. It’s called growing up. Also, as time goes on I’m sure you’ll see a shift in political ideology of us millennials as we dwell in the suburbs for several years.