
Mexico’s economy is the 15th largest in the world. They shouldn’t be letting these people make the grueling journey to the states.  You can’t put all the responsibility on the US.  

A lot of you here advocate for, close to, open border policy. Not necessarily open but much less restrictive.  Anyways, doesn’t that just make the homelessness situation in the country worse? 

Sooooo communism???  That’s what’s left of socialism on the spectrum...

Going too far left leads to famine, starvation, mass graves.  Read a history book.

An open border policy would be bad for everyone. I fully support all the humanitarian aid we provide to countries in need. What is wrong with trying to improve living conditions in other countries? You understand that not everyone can just come to America, right? Overpopulation is a horrible thing. There is literally

Our savior Lord Bernie of House Sanders just needs to sick back and watch while the rest eat each other alive.  

At a port of entry.  But, sneaking across the border (illegally) getting caught, then claiming asylum? Seems legit.

Everything that AOC says is true

Don’t break the law if you don’t want to suffer the consequences.  

More people died annually crossing the border under the Obama administration than Trumps. Also, these “concentration camps” were built by Obama’s admin based on legislation passed by Bill Clinton. 

Replace Trump with Obama in this cartoon and let’s see how you guys react...

Just an FYI, there were more border crossing deaths per year under Obama than there are under Trump. Where was the outrage then? Why was it OK for Clinton, Pelosi, Obama in the past to talk about securing our borders? More people would be dead at the border if we are not doing what we are currently doing. Believe it

You lose all your credibility when you refer to people in our government as nazis. Was Obama a nazi when he put kids in cages?  Did you know there were more border crossing deaths under Obama than Trump?  Where was the outrage then?

So basically the Democrats are a bunch of sissy pushovers who “play by the rules” while the Republicans do whatever it takes to win and do what they view is best for the country? Hmmmm, I think I know the team I’d rather be on...

You guys here are really sore losers aren’t you?  Put on your big boy pants and vote if you want change.  When you lose accept the outcome.

You can’t be mad that Repub’s played by the same rules set in place by the Dem’s in the past.  The pack the court proposal is stupid. When Dem’s are in control they’ll pack the court to get a majority. Once the Repub’s regain control don’t you expect them to do the same thing? Don’t touch that aspect of the court.

What if they just decided to pack the court now? I don’t think you’d be too happy about that. Just be careful what you wish for. Changing rules because you can’t win is never the best strategy.

Thank you. We should be able to form our own opinions and openly discuss with others without telling each other to go kill yourself. That’s a huge problem in today’s society and specifically here at splinter. Trying to suppress opinions you disagree with is not progress. I am not saying she doesn’t have the right to