
There actually are health benefits with moderate alcohol consumption

There are no health benefits from “juuling”.  You hipsters suck.

We should be starting a global healthcare initiative.  We should be thinking of the billions of people who don’t have any type of healthcare since we’ve already had a lifetime of some of the best healthcare available in the world.  We’ve had our turn.  It’s their turn now.

Can you guys remove “news” from your URL, please?

As you can see there is a big divide in the party.  If you add Joe and Pete you get 38% and Bernie/Liz you get 31%.  A big portion of the Bernie/Liz crowd will not show up to vote if Joe gets the nomination.  That’s a problem for Democrats as a whole.  

Thank you, Trump?

These are the same people who don’t believe human trafficking is a real problem...

That’s not accurate

It’s amazing how you people can put a negative spin on anything related to trump no matter how good it is.

Baldwin was pretty awful as Trump. SNL in general, has been really bad for years...

Jake Wyler is an idiot.

New gaming systems suck. For me, the more realistic the game, the worse it is.  Give me NHL 94 and Tecmo Super Bowl all day.

Pocahontas cannot win this election. I would love to see a candidate focus more on the importance of preventing a pregnancy than continuing this fight with abortions. Let’s be honest here, abortion is killing a human life, no matter how you try to spin it.  Regardless of why you got pregnant, your health, the babies

Sure Russia tried to interfere in our election. However, if you think Russia persuaded even one vote from Hillary to Trump, you are an idiot. 

No thank you.

Maybe Trump should resign just to save the crazy liberals from harming themselves...

Trump will hammer the Pocahontas thing. It will crush her in the debates.

Aren’t they all the worst? Saying “one of the worst” implies that some of them are not the worst.

The lefts response to this was what I think we all expected: “He didn’t say that he didn’t do crimes, so therefore, he did crimes!”  These people are exhausting...

The if the left doesn’t move on from this it’s going to be a disaster for them in 2020.  There’s this group in America called the exhausted majority where they are fed up and done with the polarization of American politics today.  Continue to drive this narrative and you’ll drive more people away.  Democrats can’t