
you meant: the left to the unborn

To even think for one second that Mitch would hold a supreme court seat vacant with a Republican controlled Senate and White House, you my friend, are a fool. 

Just a reminder that Bernie Sanders is 77 years old and he is Splinter’s #1 choice for President right now...

Splinter, stop trying to make Bernie happen! It’s not going to happen!

The Pelosi video is pretty hilarious

The economy that Trump took credit for is Obama’s

I can just picture the Splinter staff sitting around watching Fox News all day and just being constantly triggered. Waiting for that moment to write a quick blog about the outrageous thing the faux news people said today. Do you guys receive hazard pay when you have to watch Fox News? It surely cannot be good for your

Do what you need to do, bub. I can’t imagine living through the struggle that is your life knowing how much this president irks you.  I’m happy, the economy is doing great, unemployment is ridiculously low.  You know it’s possible to despise the man himself but at the same time like the policies.

Nah, his tax returns will have nothing to do with Russia. He’s hiding his tax returns because he doesn’t want the American people to see that as a billionaire, he’s been able to avoid paying taxes outright because of losses in business. But, I can’t really blame him, I don’t know anyone who voluntarily pays more taxes

You’re trying to paint me as someone who only believes what Fox News says. Meanwhile, there is no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians and you still refuse to believe that. Also, I am sure you think Trump is a Nazi racist bigot. You are completely biased and unable to think objectively when it comes to

The democrats are ultimately the ones to blame here. 1) They totally botched the 2016 election. 2) The continued to push the Russian collusion hoax and 3) They continue to investigate the president just because they don’t like him and they are still butthurt over 2016.

Can you admit there was no Russian collusion? 

I just hope you guys fairly report what becomes of this.  No matter how bad it looks for democrats.

That would be absolutely hilarious and a disaster

She knows that if they impeach Trump now, and once the Republicans regain control in the house under President Joe, they they will impeach him as soon as possible. She knows the Russia investigation was a hoax. She knows the previous administration illegally spied on the current president. So, she knows that by

Thank you CNN and MSNBC for making this scumbag a household name...

What!?! That’s preposterous!  Just head on over to Splinter and you’ll find out that if only billionaires paid their fair share, we’d pretty much have free everything or at least education and health care. 

It’s pretty easy for the Trump base and even former anti-Trump republicans to back the president. Even if he throws temper tantrums and says a lot of mean, non-pc things. since he’s delivered on many of his campaign promises and now has a proven track record of governing like a conservative. That’s the stuff that