
The mandate here from the public suggests congress should not impeach the president.  

I’m all aboard the Bran is evil theory.  Makes the ending seem not as bad.

That’s incorrect.  Joe may not be able to have Obama run on his ticket.  But, there’s nothing in the constitution that says once Biden’s VP resigns that Obama could not be appointed VP.

He’s constitutionally ineligible to be elected to the Presidency again.  However, he is not ineligible to be appointed by other means.

Look at 50+, 46% to 8%.  That’s a butt whoopin’.

Bernie’s numbers will always be inflated. Sure the 18-29 year olds love Bernie. The problem is that they don’t actually show up to vote. The boomers love Joe and you better believe the boomers show up to vote.

It’s time for everyone to back Joe. Because it’s really going to be Obama. Joe picks Obama for VP. Joe resigns. Bam! another term of Obama. Obama then appoints Joe to VP and we are back to the glory days.

It’s incredible how weak Trump is making the Democrat led house look these days.  The leaders in the house are an embarrassment.

Read this:

read this:

Well, if you are too lazy to take your birth control and think it’s OK to kill a human life because it’s an inconvenience to you, i think you are a piece of shit.  I care because the unborn can’t fight for themselves.  I think it’s pure deception by the devil that people think abortion is OK.  Science also proves that

Hey, what you are doing is the responsible thing.  Abortion should never be considered a backup plan if you do not want a pregnancy.

If you don’t want a baby, take the necessary precautions to prevent a pregnancy in the first place. Killing a human life because you are a lazy, worthless piece of shit is wrong.  Birth control is 99% effective.  

These bills absolutely do NOT infringe upon a woman’s reproductive rights. You’re allowed to have a baby if you want to and no one is forcing you to reproduce.  What they’re basically saying is that if you do produce a child, you cannot kill it.  So, just take the steps necessary to not get pregnant. That’s literally

Do you know what the percentage of abortions due to being a victim of rape is? Less than 0.5% How about the percent due to a pregnancy being an inconvenience, you know, selfish reasons? 92%  Health reasons about 7%

So, by your logic.  Supporting the right to kill babies means you care about human life while trying to protect the unborn from mass slaughter means you don’t care about human life?  Please explain.  Because to me, if you want to have sex and not get pregnant, birth control has been proven to be 99% effective.  So,

Abortion rights are not in the constitution. The supreme court during the time of Roe interpreted the Due Process Clause of the 14th amendment meant you have a right to choose because you have a right to privacy.  A new set of supreme court justices may not feel the same way and that “right” could be gone soon.

Why don’t you guys take notes from the liberal dream countries of say Norway, Sweden and Finland. No minimum wage, very little government regulation. Let the market dictate wages. You are paid what you are worth.