
What I said is accurate. Sucks to suck.

The happiest countries in the world all seem to be white and Christian.

You know what doesn’t exist in the happiest countries? Diversity. Finland was the ranked the happiest country in 2018. Only 3.5% of the population is made up of foreign citizens. Also, over 70% are Christians with roughly 27% being unaffiliated and the final few percentages belongs to other religions. The other

$15/min is hurting restaurant workers

Well, let’s look at the 5 lowest average annual wage for physicians (adjusted for the cost of living): Maryland, Hawaii, California, New York and DC.  What do they all have in common?  Democratic leadership.

This has been a great day for the unborn!  

Wrong. Have as much sex as you want. But, use protection if a pregnancy is not desired. Accept responsibility for the possible outcomes of YOUR actions. That is all.

How? you ask. Well, the state is not creating a law that states all women who have sex must get pregnant and bear a child. If you have sex and get pregnant, you either intended to do so or failed to use protection which is then your fault, not the child’s. So, again. the reproductive rights of women are unchanged. You

The bill still allows abortion under certain circumstances. But selfish reasons is not one of them. Health reasons yes. Social and economic reasons, not so much. The private conversation of “hey doc, I am not ready for a child. So, can you please remove this thing from my body?” The doctor now says “no, there are no

I’d be extremely happy to be given the chance to live rather than getting shit-canned.  I hope you realize being born poor in America is still like hitting the lottery.  The poor here are better off than billions of other people throughout the world.

No one is forcing you to get pregnant.  You do realize there are ways to prevent getting pregnant, right?  So, chances are, if you get pregnant, you either intended to get pregnant or refused to take the necessary precautions to prevent a pregnancy.  All other possibly outcomes are less than 1%.  So, again, no one is

False. I am the type of person who thinks it’s wrong for women to have abortions for selfish reasons (majority of abortions). Rape/Incest/Heath problems only account for about 8% of abortions, leaving 92% to selfish reasons. Sorry, but killing human life because it’s an inconvenience to you at the time is pure evil.

What I said is true.  No one is forcing YOU to reproduce.  If you don’t have the intention of reproducing, use one of the many options available to prevent a pregnancy.  If you are stupid enough to risk what YOU know is possible by having unprotected sex, then sorry, we can’t let you kill a human life just because of

The devils work is deceiving you people into believing that abortion is OK.

So here’s the thing. Reproductive rights of women are not being infringed. No one is taking your right to bear a child away, no one is forcing you to have a baby. What they are simply doing is taking away your right to kill a living human being.  If you want to have sex and not have a baby, it’s pretty simple.  The


I also said “other countries”. Look at what 3rd world countries are doing to our oceans. They need to be stopped immediately.

China still pollutes more than the US. Asia and Africa cause 90% of plastic pollution in our oceans.  They must be stopped.

That’s great.  But, they are still one of the world’s top polluters.

We have the strongest military in the world. No one is going to try an go to war with us. However, what I am talking about is the survival of humanity. If we are going to take things like the green new deal seriously, and we actually want it to work, the whole world has to be on board.  We can’t just sit around and