
A study showed that only about 28% of young people vote (18-29). Sure, a ton of them agree with progressive/liberal policies, making them “smart” in Andrews’s mind. But, when it comes down to going out and voting or staying in to watch The Bachelor, you can bet most will choose the latter.

Once we get the green new deal here, we’re eventually going to have to go to war with China and other countries once they refuse to get on board. This is a fight for the survival of humanity. Anyone who is actively destroying our world will need to be eliminated.

More importantly, are garbage disposals environmentally sound?

He will now be featured in safety training videos for farming equipment. Even though the video will be new, all safety training videos must be filmed like they were in the 80's.

but the projection for all the ice melting is a 60 meter rise

Why aren’t all the liberals moving to the midwest?  If you are so afraid of climate change, why do you continue to live in coastal cities like New York, LA and San Francisco, etc.  Wouldn’t it be smart to just start building a liberal paradise in the heart of say Nebraska or Kansas?

You guys sure you’d rather have Mike Pence as President?

elections have consequences... 

Maybe the plan is to get tariffs so high that it would then make sense to start making all the goods in America.  China does not want that.

I just want fair, unbiased coverage. But, that seems impossible these days. Especially with people like you, who just call everyone a racist.

Q: Wonder why the Colorado school shooting hasn’t had much coverage in the media relative to other recent school shootings?

No Varys’? wtf...

If the economy remains this strong, there’s no way Cheeto Mussolini loses to anyone.

Is what I said here inaccurate?

Just like AOC, I’ve never seen one before.  So, I wouldn’t even know how to turn it on.

You progressive nut jobs are a small portion of the electorate, less than 10%. Between 50-60% of the country falls in the center. Who do you think it a better target audience?

People like you look at Venezuela and think “nah, that could never happen to us” or say things like “well that socialist country failed because they didn’t do it right!”

You think the GND is good policy, lol. What I’m saying is that if we move towards things like free education, universal job guarantees, medicare for all it will have a negative impact on our society as a whole.  It will cause massive inflation, taxes will skyrocket for everyone, healthcare and education will be of

The republican platform gives the less fortunate an opportunity to become successful and wealthy if you try hard. The democrats want to keep poor people poor to keep their vote. That’s why they’re all about “free stuff”. When you give people handouts, they will continue to vote for those handouts. The republicans