
No, what actually fractured support of the GND was when people actually learned what was in the GND.  Not even one Democrat in the Senate voted yea.

You do realize a human life dies every time someone has an abortion, right?

I agree.  I meant that Joe wins the Democratic nomination and I don’t think it’ll be close.  When Bernie and Liz fan out it’ll be interesting to see how they write here.

Joe wins. The end.

I think it’s offensive they are wearing red. They look just like a MAGA crowd.

Democrats don’t want a crazy socialist to be president.  The current polls prove this.

If it's so easy, why aren't you a casino magnate? 

Isn’t it kind of weird that all of you are upset about a bunch of future democrats being given the chance to live?

These people are in such denial.  It’s fascinating to see.

I think it’s time you guys accept your fate. 2020 is either Trump or Biden. Biden pretty much has an insurmountable lead at this point. Once candidates start to drop off, Joe will be well into the 50-60% range. The country as a whole does not want a hard left shift as Splinter would like you to believe.

Right now among 20 candidates, almost half the party supports Joe.  That’s impressive.  The country doesn’t want Bernie.  It’s time you come to terms with that.  Bernie is never going to happen.  Nor is Elizabeth Warren. Accept defeat now and move on.

Joe is killing it in the polls. This has to be driving the splinter folk absolutely insane.  Bernie polling around 14% just shows how small the radical left wing of the party really is.  

How’s Bernie currently polling in the Democrat field?

Can someone tell me Bernie’s numbers in the latest polls? 

I am aware.  But if you really think the two have no relation, well, then you are just a fool.

I am not suggesting that gun ownership is the only reason. But, logic would suggest the two are related.

Are you guys aware of the fact that as gun ownership increases the amount of gun homicides decreases?  This is a fact that cannot be disputed.  Please look this information up for yourselves.  I think you’ll be surprised at some of the statistics. 

I mean, he is the real president to the child bloggers here.  So, you are not entirely wrong.  Also, please don’t use any form of “Christian” anymore, even the Xtian variety is still offensive.