
I think I am channeling many members of the American public who feel these past two years have been disheartening for people who believe in justice

Since professional women’s ice hockey is equivalent to 15/16 year old boys midgets, you can’t expect a league like that to ever be able to sustain paying it’s players significant amounts of money.  Sports fans want the best product regardless of gender.

Sorry, but it’s not a right. Forcing someone else’s time and services is basically slavery. A right is not something someone can give you, it’s something that no-one can take away. Keep in mind, by not believing that health care is a right, does not mean I am dismissing the importance of health care. The government is

Nadler is an idiot.  Everything Collins said is true. Democrats just continue to make fools of themselves...

I’m sure dudebra bought like 10 copies

It must suck to be this angry everyday...

I agree, Braves is acceptable. Teams like the Florida State Seminoles and Kansas City Chiefs are also OK, to me.  But the Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins need to change.

It’s literally a quick swab and results are available in as quick as 90 minutes. How freaking difficult is that? This is also just a test, the program may or may not last. Also, there was a 315% increase “in the number of cases of adults with minors fraudulently posing as ‘family units’ to gain entry” from October

This is an effort to stop human trafficking. I don’t see what the problem is, these tests are quick. Obviously, not everyone crossing the border illegally is involved in human trafficking. But,  if it does save a few kids, then that is a good thing.

Paul Blest, Nicolás Maduro’s #1 fan. 

For one, Venezuela isn’t surrounded by radical Islamist’s. They were a thriving democracy in the past, why can’t they be that again? Sure, it’ll take time to recover from the all the damage socialism brought to that country, but they can do it.

I guess not accepting incomplete or incorrect forms is now going to be labeled “racist”.

They literally killed someone.  They took the right to vote from someone else.  Therefore, they now forfeit their rights.  When you break the law, you risk losing some rights.

What Bernie says isn’t gospel. He can be wrong, you know?  It’s OK to disagree with something he said and still support him.  Corey Booker has the correct take on the issue.  Murderers should not have the right to vote.  Please stop with this ridiculous stance on the issue.

We were attacked by the Japanese and then the Germans declared war on us. I’m well aware of all that. I’m just saying that based on your current rhetoric, you’d be OK with another holocaust.

You said you were against foreign intervention.  If a country today just happened to be exterminating a group of people, you’d be happy if we just sat back and watched.

But you’re putting your faith in a murderous dictator who denies his people humanitarian aid, their currently rationing electricity.  Many people are without water.  What is wrong with you?

Wow.  I guess you think we probably should’ve let Europe handle things on their own in WW2 then, huh?

Some of these people on here, my god. bottle of dick cream and longsnake are both pro Maduro, coincidence?

Glad to see you’d rather see the innocent people in the situation sit back, do nothing and suffer because you don’t want to hurt the bad guys.