
Maduro is preventing humanitarian aid to his countries people. Something needs to be done. By doing nothing, we’re allowing people to suffer.

How in the hell could you oppose overthrowing the Maduro regime?  I get it you love yourself some socialism.  But, by doing this could prevent civil war and get Venezuela on the right track. I have been using them for years and would highly recommend.

This is murder of a human being.

There’s that whole fiscally conservative but socially liberal wing of the Libertarian party.

They don’t like to tell the whole story here.  Only the parts that make the Cheeto Mussolini guy look bad.

OMG can you believe this racist, racist? Orange Hitler is a such a Nazi racist I can’t even...

My god I can’t wait to see the splinter blogs once it’s officially Biden vs. Trump.  It will be glorious.

Again.  A rise in terrorism is still a bad thing.  I’m not saying what happened in the past isn’t bad.  Sure, it’s all much worse. But, to say that an increase in terrorism isn’t bad, again, is wrong.

When you say “ONE of the worst” does not mean THE worst. Sure there are a ton of awful things that have happened in Germany the past 100 years of so, we all know that. But to say that an increase in terrorism is not bad is simply wrong.

It obviously wasn’t the worst thing that’s ever happened to Germany. But, it’s definitely not a good thing. Germany was targeted most frequently in European terror plots conducted by refugees and asylum seekers. There was one terror plot in 2014 that led to zero casualties. Between 2015-2017 that number rose to 31

Is this someone we even want to be voting?

Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1B in foreign aid to Ukraine if the President didn’t fire their Prosecutor General who just so happened to be investigating a natural gas firm that Joe’s son Hunter was working for...

NoGas up here complaining about laws being ignored when he/she supports illegal immigration and sanctuary cities, lol.

complains about laws being ignored but loves illegal immigration and probably supports sanctuary cities...

You realize this is the lefts fault, don’t you? 

I would definitely vote for Murder Bird over any of the current democrat candidates

So, by your logic, when you continue to get DUI’s and the state takes your drivers license away, that’s racist.

What’s hilarious is that a bunch of the photo’s circulating of “kids in cages” were actually taken in 2014 during Obama’s administration.

You just don’t get it.  You don’t understand that when you call everything racist, it belittles actual racism.  I get it, you’re just another butthurt liberal who can’t handle defeat.