
they're gonna shoot it a few times, just to be safe.

yeah duh

i love you

i'm really happy this tv show exists



shit, i should patent something. i can definitely poke a few holes in a box.

republicans recognize those words when applied to their kin.

blonde boobs

haha you're so delusional.

the undoing part, anyway. can't see the forest for the shiny, clicky trees.

alternative title:

in ABC's defense, trump doesn't know the difference between those two words so who gives a fuck

thank god there's someone in politics passing social reform for the past several decades, not sure i could've hacked it as a child laborer

good thing he's not historically known for ripping people off!

you should let this define you as long as possible, for maximum embarrassment when you're older

you're right, it evolved from pointless harassment to coordinated harassment

ah, i see - the movement with "gamer" in the title wasn't about games, it was about uncovering Absolute Truth.

yeah all those suffering game journalists, their careers destroyed, haunted forever by the dual vigilant watch dogs of savvy consumerism and noble reportage

did you really win a debate if